Miikka Lehmijoki
Straumann® SMART - Implanttikirurgian peruskurssi hammaslääkäreille 14. maaliskuuta 2025
14. mar. 2025 | Helsinki, Finlandia
Información del ponente
Kurssin tavoite on perehdyttää osallistujat implanttikirurgian perusteisiin ja antaa perustiedot seuraavista asioista:
- Potilasvalinta
- Hoidon suunnittelu
- Yksinkertaisten implanttikirurgisten toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen
- Riskit ja komplikaatiot- hammasimplantteja ympäröivän kudoksen terveys ja implanttien ylläpitohoito
Kurssi on aloittelijakurssi hammaslääkäreille, jotka haluavat oppia tekemään yksinkertaisia implanttikirurgisia toimenpiteitä. Aikaisempi implanttiprotetiikan tuntemus on hyväksi.
Tämä 1 päivän mittainen kurssi pitää sisällään teoreettista opetusta ja hands on -harjoituksen sian leualla. Kurssilla on myös interaktiivisia osuuksia ja toivomme osallistujien ottavan kurssille mukaan jonkin kannettavan laitteen, kuten älypuhelin tai tabletti. Kurssi sisältää pääsyn Straumann® Smart online-oppimisympäristöön.
- potilasvalinta- preoperatiivinen tutkimus ja hoidon suunnittelu
- leikkaukseen valmistautuminen
- implantin asennus: step-by-step ja hands on- perustiedot luusiirteistä
- postoperatiiviset toimenpiteet, jälkihoito-ohjeet ja jälkitarkastus
- yleisimmät komplikaatiot ja niiden hoito
- Straumann® Dental Implant System-esittely
- Straumann Group Implant Health -konseptin esittely
Kurssi sisältää Straumann® Smart Online koulutuksen:
- Saat pääsyn ainutlaatuiseen verkko-oppimisympäristöön, jossa 24/7 mahdollisuus itsenäiseen opiskeluun.
- Pitää sisällään interaktiivisia PDF-oppaita, joissa laajasti implanttikirurgiaan liittyvää kliinistä teoriamateriaalia ja step-by-step ohjeita Straumann perustuotteiden käyttöön.
- Kliiniset videot
- Checklistat, muokattavat lomakkeet klinikkakäyttöön ja potilasmarkkinointimateriaalia- Teknistä tuotetietoa
- Oppimistestejä
- Pääsy valittuihin ITI Online Academy oppimismoduuleihin
klo 8:00 - 8:15 Tervetuloa ja aamukahvit
klo 8:15 - 8:30 Straumann Group yrityksenä: esitys
klo 8:30 - 9:45 Luento: potilasvalinta ja hoidon suunnitteluklo
9:45 - 10:00 Kahvitauko
klo 10:00 - 11:30 Luento: implantin asettaminen
klo 11:30 - 12:15 Lounas, ravintola Böle
klo 12:15 - 13:30 Luento: augmentaatiot (siirteet/ohjuriavusteiset implantoinnit)
klo 13:30 - 14:45 Luento: implanttihoitojen komplikaatiot, hoito ja jälkihoito
klo 14:45 - 15:00 Kahvitauko
klo 15:00 - 17:30 Handson (sianleuka Straumann BLT) + loppukeskustelu
Early Bird hinta jos varaat ennen 31.1.25: 350 EUR (ALV 0%)/ 439,25 EUR (ALV 25.5%)
31.1.25 jälkeen hinnat ovat:
400 EUR (ALV 0%) / 502 EUR (ALV 25.5%)
Kurssin hintaan sisältyy aamiainen, lounasbuffet ja kahvi/tee päivän aikana. Ilmoittaudu SKILL-alustamme kautta "book" -painikkeen kautta. Voit käyttää myös mahdollisesti olemassa olevia tunnuksiasi. Jos haluat laskun yrityksellesi, valitse tilin luomisen yhteydessä tilin tyypiksi "business" ja täytä klinikkasi tiedot.
Kysymyksiä? Ota yhteyttä: education.fi@straumann.com. Autamme mielellämme!
Grupo destinatario: Implantólogo, Odontólogos generalistas, Prostodoncista
Segmentos de productos: Implantología, Prostodoncia
Classroom Session
Ponentes: Miikka Lehmijoki
Lugar: Sokos Hotel Tripla Helsinki
Straumann® SmartOne Welcome
Material de formación: WBT
Welcome to SMART implantology: In this module, you will learn what SMART implantology is, what resources are available in SMART, the clinical experts behind the program, the structure of implant treatment, the SAC classification and the indications covered in SMART Implantology.
Module duration: Approx. 20 mins
Material de formación: WBT
Basics of implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
History of implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Straumann roots in implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Biosafety in Dental Practice: General Principles
Material de formación: Lti
Biosafety can be defined, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, as the containment principles, technologies, and practices that are implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to biological agents and toxins or their accidental release. In simple terms, it may be described as protective measures that should be taken for any dental procedure to control the spread of microbial infections. Most countries and jurisdictions have strict regulations and comprehensive guidelines for biosafety in dental practice. This module provides an overview of the principles of biosafety and their importance. For detailed information on mandatory biosafety measures, it is necessary to refer to
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Implant Practice
Material de formación: Lti
Wherever you may practice implant dentistry, there will be laws and regulations that govern dental practice.Each jurisdiction will have its own specific regulations, but the common aims will be to protect the safety of patients and to set standards of care to ensure high-quality outcomes.Communities will also have expectations about how professionals like dentists should practice.These expectations are often embodied in ethical codes developed by professional groups.The codes detail the attitudes and responsibilities that dental practitioners owe to their profession, to their colleagues, and to the community at large.This module will provide an overview of the likely legal and ethical considerations you should be aware of and familiar with in the environment in which you practice. It is a general legal principle that ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Implants used in SMART
Material de formación: WBT
Bone control design
Material de formación: WBT
Implants surfaces
Material de formación: WBT
Implants materials
Material de formación: WBT
Implants abutment connection
Material de formación: WBT
Original components
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Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Patient history
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Radiographic Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Provisional diagnosis and tentative treatment plan
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Patient History (Anamnesis)
Material de formación: Lti
Good clinical outcomes depend on accurate diagnosis, and an accurate diagnosis is based on comprehensive and complete information.Therefore, the first step in formulating a treatment plan is to obtain a detailed history from the patient.This essential step in patient assessment, when followed by detailed examination and diagnosis, guides the clinician in formulating an appropriate treatment plan that addresses the patient's needs.
Site-Specific Clinical Examination
Material de formación: Lti
A thorough history and clinical examination are essential when planning to replace teeth with dental implants.Prior to surgery, both clinical and radiographic site-specific assessments must be carefully conducted. These assessments will provide the information required to formulate a detailed and individually tailored treatment plan that is likely to meet the realistic expectations of the patient.Therefore, a comprehensive examination is mandatory to anticipate any complications that may result from the treatment. In this module, we will discuss the recommended site-specific examinations and their relevance to patients who may be considering replacement of a tooth or teeth with dental implants.The site-specific assessments that will be discussed in this module are the restorative space and its characteristics, anatomical factors, and hard and soft tissue including any pathoses in the area.
Material de formación: WBT
Contacting the patient's physician
Material de formación: WBT
Study model analysis
Material de formación: WBT
Radiographic planning
Material de formación: WBT
Risk assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Visit planning and cost proposal
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
The SAC Classification
Material de formación: Lti
The use of dental implants has become a standard treatment in many clinical situations. However, in order to achieve optimal functional and esthetic results, the clinician has to assess the complexity and risks associated with an implant therapy before starting the treatment. The SAC classification system differentiates between Straightforward, Advanced and Complex treatments. The fully revised 2nd Edition of the SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry has been updated to ensure consistency with contemporary implant practice.
Structured Assessment and Treatment Planning
Material de formación: Lti
A thorough patient assessment is the basis of any dental treatment plan that may or may not include implants. It is directly related to the treatment outcome.This ITI Academy module serves as an overview and introduction to the related modules that will discuss each of the components involved in structured patient assessment and treatment planning in detail.
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Risks, complications and consent
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Treatment Options, Prognosis and Proposal
Material de formación: Lti
The discussion of treatment options with patients is, for ethical and legal reasons, one of the most important tasks of every treatment process.This should be done in a comfortable, preferably non-clinical environment that promotes a feeling of equality between the patient and the treating dentist.Patients need to feel that they can comfortably ask questions and that they will be able to understand the information that is presented to them.This discussion is the final step in a process that begins with the collection of information about patients and their problems.The processes of anamnesis, clinical examination, imaging assessment and additional investigations are presented in detail in othe
The SAC Classification
Material de formación: Lti
The use of dental implants has become a standard treatment in many clinical situations. However, in order to achieve optimal functional and esthetic results, the clinician has to assess the complexity and risks associated with an implant therapy before starting the treatment. The SAC classification system differentiates between Straightforward, Advanced and Complex treatments. The fully revised 2nd Edition of the SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry has been updated to ensure consistency with contemporary implant practice.
Material de formación: WBT
Fabrication of the surgical drill template
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative care
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Material de formación: WBT
Surgical instruments
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Preparation for the surgery
Material de formación: WBT
Basic surgical skills
Material de formación: WBT
Implant bed preparation
Material de formación: WBT
Implant placement
Material de formación: WBT
Wound closure
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative care
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Flap design
Material de formación: Lti
Several factors influence the success of implant treatment. These include basic requirements to the surgical aspect of implant therapy.This module will focus on basic principles of flap design for oral surgery in general and for surgical implant procedures.The aim is to ensure that the surgery can be performed as atraumatically as possible with adequate visibility and access to the surgical area.
Implant Osteotomies
Material de formación: Lti
The implant osteotomy is a key surgical step in implant dentistry. It ends with the insertion of a dental implant that will later supply the patient with a fixed or removable replacement for missing teeth.In this module we will first describe the correct bone preparation technique for implant placement. Subsequently, we will address the adjustments of the protocol that are necessary in different bone densities.Finally we will discuss the potential risks associated with inappropriate osteotomy techniques.
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative review and suture removal
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Pre-and postoperative Care and Medication for Implant Surgery
Material de formación: Lti
Like many other treatments, implant treatment is a complex therapy.Many participants may be involved including the dentist, surgeon, prosthodontist, dental nurses and, of course, the patient. It is not enough that the team should be very skilled in performing the treatment, but patients, too, must take responsibility for their part in the treatment.This module will describe how the dental team prepares patients to participate in implant surgery and instructs them on how to behave before and after the surgery to avoid complications and negative side effects.This includes preoperative information including instructions for oral hygiene procedures and medication as well as postoperative care and the postoperative medication regime.
Tissue Integration of Dental Implants
Material de formación: Lti
This module focuses on the concept of dental implant integration into the soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.Integration into bone is called osseointegration and this phenomenon essentially revolutionized how missing teeth can be replaced.Osseointegration has implications for all dentists as well as for patients with any missing teeth. Implants are anchored in bone tissue and penetrate the soft tissue.It is essential to understand the soft and hard tissues around dental implant restorations since only this allows for optimal restorations.
Material de formación: WBT
Assessment and Clinical Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Impression-taking for Tissue Level SP
Material de formación: WBT
Impression-taking for BLT implants
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Conventional Implant Impressions for Fixed Dental Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implant impressions are important for the fabrication of dental prostheses. The aim of implant impressions is accurate transfer of the intra-oral implant situation to the dental laboratory. It is possible to record the implant situation with conventional analog impression techniques, or using digital technologies.All implant impression techniques employ a variation of the pick-up or transfer impression technique sometimes used in conventional, tooth-borne prosthodontics.In the case of implant impressions, a precision-made impression component is used to register the position, alignment, and rotational orientation of the implant.The impression, whether it follows a conventional (that is, analog) or digital workflow, then records this information in relation to the surrounding hard and soft tissues. This module will deal with conventional impression techniques and all of the parameters involved.
Material de formación: WBT
Fabrication of the final prosthesis
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Overview of cemented-retained and screw-retained crowns
Material de formación: WBT
Screw-retained restorations
Material de formación: WBT
Cemented-retained restorations
Material de formación: WBT
Instructions for patient
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Protocol for Fixed Implant Supported Prostheses Delivery
Material de formación: Lti
When implants have been placed and are restored with the final prostheses, certain principles have to be followed to achieve a good fit and long-term success of the prosthesis.The general principles for delivering an implant-supported prosthesis are very similar to those for delivering a tooth-supported prosthesis.However, the complexity is higher when using implant-supported prostheses since they can have multiple components that fit together very precisely along limited paths of insertion.In addition, these prostheses need to be delivered onto rigidly fixed implants. All these factors make this a much more exacting procedure.It is therefore important to have a protocol to ensure the correct steps are followed so as to minimize the risk of complications and to be able to verify that the procedure has been carried out correctly.It is also important to be able to provide base line information about the prosthesis against which you can compare the condition of prosthesis over time.
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical examination and assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Final closure
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Managing Biological Complications
Material de formación: Lti
Implant treatment is highly successful, as documented in a wealth of scientific literature. However, clinicians should expect to see complications within their daily practice.Complications that are associated with the surrounding peri-implant mucosa or bone are referred to as biological complications. They occur when there is an imbalance between the bacterial biofilm challenge to the tissues around an implant and the host defense, resulting in an inflammatory process.The biological complications addressed in this module are the peri-implant diseases referred to as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, both of which may occur around osseointegrated implants.Therefore, it is important that the clinician is able to diagnose peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis and understand the steps for management of these complications.
Instructing the patient
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical examination and assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Diagnosis standard maintenance
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Managing Biological Complications
Material de formación: Lti
Implant treatment is highly successful, as documented in a wealth of scientific literature. However, clinicians should expect to see complications within their daily practice.Complications that are associated with the surrounding peri-implant mucosa or bone are referred to as biological complications. They occur when there is an imbalance between the bacterial biofilm challenge to the tissues around an implant and the host defense, resulting in an inflammatory process.The biological complications addressed in this module are the peri-implant diseases referred to as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, both of which may occur around osseointegrated implants.Therefore, it is important that the clinician is able to diagnose peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis and understand the steps for management of these complications.
Monitoring Peri-Implant Tissue Health
Material de formación: Lti
Implant-supported tooth replacement offers a tremendous benefit to patients.In order to assure the long-term success of implant therapy, it is important to understand the complex biologic environment that is present around implants.Implants are biomedical devices that exist under functional demands within an environment shaped by the biologic interactions between the microbial biofilm and the immune response.Maintenance of peri-implant tissue health is therefore critical to the long-term survival, success and benefit of implant therapy for the patient.
Implants in the hygiene Room
Material de formación: Video
This Team Meeting reinforces the usefulness of dental implants as a treatment modality. Dr. Ratcliff provides a basic overview of why dental implants are a treatment of choice and then challenges the dental team to find opportunities to speak with existing patients about replacing missing teeth with implants and restorative treatments. Whether it is a missing single-tooth or an entirely edentulous patient, an implant may be an excellent option for restoration.
Implant basics
Material de formación: Video
This course helps every member of the dental team understand the basic components of dental implants and their application. In this course, Dr. Ratcliff helps team members acquire fundamental knowledge necessary to converse with patients about everyday opportunities to improve their dental health.
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Implants are rapidly becoming the standard of care for replacement of missing teeth. Understanding implant use can help patients make good decisions about their dental treatment. In this course, Dr. Ratcliff helps practitioners understand the reasons a patient should choose an implant over other restoration options. Also, practitioners explore the best options for implants and how to simplify the process between the practice and the dental lab.
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 4
Material de formación: Video
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Evaluation of edentulous space for implant placement needs to be precise. Positioning restorative components into an edentulous space must be carefully considered when treatment planning and making surgical guides. Having too little or too much space can create problems for the restorative doctor, the interdisciplinary team and the patient. In this course, Dr Darin Dichter provides a straightforward overview of EFSB concepts and details the challenges of having too much and too little inter-arch, interproximal and oro-facial space for an implant. The more accurate a preliminary restorative plan can be for the surgical team and the technician, the better the outcome will be.
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: Lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Implants in the hygiene Room
Material de formación: Video
This Team Meeting reinforces the usefulness of dental implants as a treatment modality. Dr. Ratcliff provides a basic overview of why dental implants are a treatment of choice and then challenges the dental team to find opportunities to speak with existing patients about replacing missing teeth with implants and restorative treatments. Whether it is a missing single-tooth or an entirely edentulous patient, an implant may be an excellent option for restoration.
When Can I Have My Tooth: Understanding the Biology of Implant Osseointegration
Material de formación: Video
In this Team Meeting, Dr. Dichter addresses a question frequently asked by patients: When can I have my tooth? While it is desirable to keep treatment times as short as possible, it is important to approach dental implant placement in a way that allows for the most predictable successful outcomes. Dr. Dichter reviews the biologic factors that contribute to successful implant osseointegration, and why it is critical for the dental team to understand this and be able to convey it to patients who are anxious to expedite their dental implant treatment.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Traditional models of case presentation place little choice in the hands of our patients and fail to build the trust needed to inspire positive motivation for treatment. In this course, Dr. Spear reviews the independent patient research Spear has commissioned, and how the findings underscore patients' desire for a more collaborative style of case presentation and treatment planning. He then goes on to explain the benefits of utilizing the co-diagnosis model, as opposed to some of the alternative methodologies, and how tools such as Spear’s Patient Education platform can improve your case presentation.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Presenting treatment options vs treatment plans for improved case acceptance
Material de formación: Video
In this module, Dr. Spear will explain the difference between presenting treatment options vs. presenting treatment plans to improve case acceptance within the practice. He will walk the clinician and front office staff through the importance of making the patient visually aware of their issues, discussing the consequences of not treating the problem and making them aware of the benefits of treatment. He explains the importance of getting the patient involved in choosing the best treatment for them, and also discusses how to get the patient to hear all of their treatment possibilities, even when they keep asking about fees.
Creating Urgency for "Do I Really Need It?"
Material de formación: Video
Every day, patients ask you to help them prioritize their dental treatment needs. In this lesson, learn an approach to strategically communicating about the urgency of different treatment choices. Imtiaz Manji will help you answer the “how” questions with professional integrity while creating value for the treatment
Creating Urgency for "Do I Really Need It?": Q and A
Material de formación: Video
Fees and Price Versus Value Perception
Material de formación: Video
In this Team Meeting, Dr. Spear discusses perceived value and how it can affect the practice. He addresses the difference in pricing of dentistry and the value it can bring to patients along with how fees are typically set. He highlights the best ways to add value to the patient experience and how they play a major role in the success of a practice.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 1
Material de formación: Video
This course will provide the practitioner with an overview and appreciation for growing a practice with intention for enjoyment. It will identify the different values patients have for care and help create a plan to incorporate all of them into every practice by systematically clarifying expectations, resulting in clear conversations with every patient.
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 2, lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 2, lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 3, lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 3, lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Foundations of Implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Basics of implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
History of implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Straumann roots in implantology
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Biosafety in Dental Practice: General Principles
Material de formación: Lti
Biosafety can be defined, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, as the containment principles, technologies, and practices that are implemented to prevent unintentional exposure to biological agents and toxins or their accidental release. In simple terms, it may be described as protective measures that should be taken for any dental procedure to control the spread of microbial infections. Most countries and jurisdictions have strict regulations and comprehensive guidelines for biosafety in dental practice. This module provides an overview of the principles of biosafety and their importance. For detailed information on mandatory biosafety measures, it is necessary to refer to
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Implant Practice
Material de formación: Lti
Wherever you may practice implant dentistry, there will be laws and regulations that govern dental practice.Each jurisdiction will have its own specific regulations, but the common aims will be to protect the safety of patients and to set standards of care to ensure high-quality outcomes.Communities will also have expectations about how professionals like dentists should practice.These expectations are often embodied in ethical codes developed by professional groups.The codes detail the attitudes and responsibilities that dental practitioners owe to their profession, to their colleagues, and to the community at large.This module will provide an overview of the likely legal and ethical considerations you should be aware of and familiar with in the environment in which you practice. It is a general legal principle that ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Material de formación: WBT
Introduction to Straumann Dental Implant System
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Implants used in SMART
Material de formación: WBT
Bone control design
Material de formación: WBT
Implants surfaces
Material de formación: WBT
Implants materials
Material de formación: WBT
Implants abutment connection
Material de formación: WBT
Original components
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Stage 1_ Assessment and treatment planning: Patient's expectations, history and examination
Material de formación: WBT
Patient history
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Radiographic Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Provisional diagnosis and tentative treatment plan
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Patient History (Anamnesis)
Material de formación: Lti
Good clinical outcomes depend on accurate diagnosis, and an accurate diagnosis is based on comprehensive and complete information.Therefore, the first step in formulating a treatment plan is to obtain a detailed history from the patient.This essential step in patient assessment, when followed by detailed examination and diagnosis, guides the clinician in formulating an appropriate treatment plan that addresses the patient's needs.
Site-Specific Clinical Examination
Material de formación: Lti
A thorough history and clinical examination are essential when planning to replace teeth with dental implants.Prior to surgery, both clinical and radiographic site-specific assessments must be carefully conducted. These assessments will provide the information required to formulate a detailed and individually tailored treatment plan that is likely to meet the realistic expectations of the patient.Therefore, a comprehensive examination is mandatory to anticipate any complications that may result from the treatment. In this module, we will discuss the recommended site-specific examinations and their relevance to patients who may be considering replacement of a tooth or teeth with dental implants.The site-specific assessments that will be discussed in this module are the restorative space and its characteristics, anatomical factors, and hard and soft tissue including any pathoses in the area.
Stage 1_ Assessment and treatment planning: Treatment planning
Material de formación: WBT
Contacting the patient's physician
Material de formación: WBT
Study model analysis
Material de formación: WBT
Radiographic planning
Material de formación: WBT
Risk assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Visit planning and cost proposal
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
The SAC Classification
Material de formación: Lti
The use of dental implants has become a standard treatment in many clinical situations. However, in order to achieve optimal functional and esthetic results, the clinician has to assess the complexity and risks associated with an implant therapy before starting the treatment. The SAC classification system differentiates between Straightforward, Advanced and Complex treatments. The fully revised 2nd Edition of the SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry has been updated to ensure consistency with contemporary implant practice.
Structured Assessment and Treatment Planning
Material de formación: Lti
A thorough patient assessment is the basis of any dental treatment plan that may or may not include implants. It is directly related to the treatment outcome.This ITI Academy module serves as an overview and introduction to the related modules that will discuss each of the components involved in structured patient assessment and treatment planning in detail.
Material de formación: WBT
Stage 1_ Assessment and treatment planning: Consultation and consent
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Risks, complications and consent
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Treatment Options, Prognosis and Proposal
Material de formación: Lti
The discussion of treatment options with patients is, for ethical and legal reasons, one of the most important tasks of every treatment process.This should be done in a comfortable, preferably non-clinical environment that promotes a feeling of equality between the patient and the treating dentist.Patients need to feel that they can comfortably ask questions and that they will be able to understand the information that is presented to them.This discussion is the final step in a process that begins with the collection of information about patients and their problems.The processes of anamnesis, clinical examination, imaging assessment and additional investigations are presented in detail in othe
The SAC Classification
Material de formación: Lti
The use of dental implants has become a standard treatment in many clinical situations. However, in order to achieve optimal functional and esthetic results, the clinician has to assess the complexity and risks associated with an implant therapy before starting the treatment. The SAC classification system differentiates between Straightforward, Advanced and Complex treatments. The fully revised 2nd Edition of the SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry has been updated to ensure consistency with contemporary implant practice.
Stage 1_ Assessment and treatment planning: Fabrication of the surgical drill template
Material de formación: WBT
Fabrication of the surgical drill template
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative care
Material de formación: WBT
Stage 2_Surgical procedures: Implant surgery
Material de formación: WBT
Surgical instruments
Material de formación: WBT
Preparation for the surgery
Material de formación: WBT
Basic surgical skills
Material de formación: WBT
Implant bed preparation
Material de formación: WBT
Implant placement
Material de formación: WBT
Wound closure
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative care
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Flap design
Material de formación: Lti
Several factors influence the success of implant treatment. These include basic requirements to the surgical aspect of implant therapy.This module will focus on basic principles of flap design for oral surgery in general and for surgical implant procedures.The aim is to ensure that the surgery can be performed as atraumatically as possible with adequate visibility and access to the surgical area.
Implant Osteotomies
Material de formación: Lti
The implant osteotomy is a key surgical step in implant dentistry. It ends with the insertion of a dental implant that will later supply the patient with a fixed or removable replacement for missing teeth.In this module we will first describe the correct bone preparation technique for implant placement. Subsequently, we will address the adjustments of the protocol that are necessary in different bone densities.Finally we will discuss the potential risks associated with inappropriate osteotomy techniques.
Stage 2_Surgical procedures: Postoperative review and suture removal
Material de formación: WBT
Postoperative review and suture removal
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Pre-and postoperative Care and Medication for Implant Surgery
Material de formación: Lti
Like many other treatments, implant treatment is a complex therapy.Many participants may be involved including the dentist, surgeon, prosthodontist, dental nurses and, of course, the patient. It is not enough that the team should be very skilled in performing the treatment, but patients, too, must take responsibility for their part in the treatment.This module will describe how the dental team prepares patients to participate in implant surgery and instructs them on how to behave before and after the surgery to avoid complications and negative side effects.This includes preoperative information including instructions for oral hygiene procedures and medication as well as postoperative care and the postoperative medication regime.
Tissue Integration of Dental Implants
Material de formación: Lti
This module focuses on the concept of dental implant integration into the soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.Integration into bone is called osseointegration and this phenomenon essentially revolutionized how missing teeth can be replaced.Osseointegration has implications for all dentists as well as for patients with any missing teeth. Implants are anchored in bone tissue and penetrate the soft tissue.It is essential to understand the soft and hard tissues around dental implant restorations since only this allows for optimal restorations.
Stage 3_Prosthetic procedures: Impression taking
Material de formación: WBT
Assessment and Clinical Examination
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Impression-taking for Tissue Level SP
Material de formación: WBT
Impression-taking for BLT implants
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Conventional Implant Impressions for Fixed Dental Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implant impressions are important for the fabrication of dental prostheses. The aim of implant impressions is accurate transfer of the intra-oral implant situation to the dental laboratory. It is possible to record the implant situation with conventional analog impression techniques, or using digital technologies.All implant impression techniques employ a variation of the pick-up or transfer impression technique sometimes used in conventional, tooth-borne prosthodontics.In the case of implant impressions, a precision-made impression component is used to register the position, alignment, and rotational orientation of the implant.The impression, whether it follows a conventional (that is, analog) or digital workflow, then records this information in relation to the surrounding hard and soft tissues. This module will deal with conventional impression techniques and all of the parameters involved.
Stage 3_Prosthetic procedures: Fabrication of the final prosthesis
Material de formación: WBT
Fabrication of the final prosthesis
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Stage 3_Prosthetic procedures: Insertion of the final prosthesis
Material de formación: WBT
Overview of cemented-retained and screw-retained crowns
Material de formación: WBT
Screw-retained restorations
Material de formación: WBT
Cemented-retained restorations
Material de formación: WBT
Instructions for patient
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Protocol for Fixed Implant Supported Prostheses Delivery
Material de formación: Lti
When implants have been placed and are restored with the final prostheses, certain principles have to be followed to achieve a good fit and long-term success of the prosthesis.The general principles for delivering an implant-supported prosthesis are very similar to those for delivering a tooth-supported prosthesis.However, the complexity is higher when using implant-supported prostheses since they can have multiple components that fit together very precisely along limited paths of insertion.In addition, these prostheses need to be delivered onto rigidly fixed implants. All these factors make this a much more exacting procedure.It is therefore important to have a protocol to ensure the correct steps are followed so as to minimize the risk of complications and to be able to verify that the procedure has been carried out correctly.It is also important to be able to provide base line information about the prosthesis against which you can compare the condition of prosthesis over time.
Stage 4_Aftercare and maintenance: Review visit
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical examination and assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Final closure
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Occlusion on Fixed Implant Prostheses
Material de formación: Lti
Implants and their prostheses replace teeth.They therefore have to participate fully in oral function. A substantial part of oral function is related to occlusion when the teeth and their replacements make contact.This module will examine the ability of implants and their prostheses to withstand occlusal forces and offer guidelines for occlusal design.
Managing Biological Complications
Material de formación: Lti
Implant treatment is highly successful, as documented in a wealth of scientific literature. However, clinicians should expect to see complications within their daily practice.Complications that are associated with the surrounding peri-implant mucosa or bone are referred to as biological complications. They occur when there is an imbalance between the bacterial biofilm challenge to the tissues around an implant and the host defense, resulting in an inflammatory process.The biological complications addressed in this module are the peri-implant diseases referred to as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, both of which may occur around osseointegrated implants.Therefore, it is important that the clinician is able to diagnose peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis and understand the steps for management of these complications.
Instructing the patient
Material de formación: WBT
Stage 4_Aftercare and maintenance: Maintenance visit
Material de formación: WBT
Clinical examination and assessment
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Diagnosis standard maintenance
Material de formación: WBT
Material de formación: WBT
Managing Biological Complications
Material de formación: Lti
Implant treatment is highly successful, as documented in a wealth of scientific literature. However, clinicians should expect to see complications within their daily practice.Complications that are associated with the surrounding peri-implant mucosa or bone are referred to as biological complications. They occur when there is an imbalance between the bacterial biofilm challenge to the tissues around an implant and the host defense, resulting in an inflammatory process.The biological complications addressed in this module are the peri-implant diseases referred to as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, both of which may occur around osseointegrated implants.Therefore, it is important that the clinician is able to diagnose peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis and understand the steps for management of these complications.
Monitoring Peri-Implant Tissue Health
Material de formación: Lti
Implant-supported tooth replacement offers a tremendous benefit to patients.In order to assure the long-term success of implant therapy, it is important to understand the complex biologic environment that is present around implants.Implants are biomedical devices that exist under functional demands within an environment shaped by the biologic interactions between the microbial biofilm and the immune response.Maintenance of peri-implant tissue health is therefore critical to the long-term survival, success and benefit of implant therapy for the patient.
Implants in the hygiene Room
Material de formación: Video
This Team Meeting reinforces the usefulness of dental implants as a treatment modality. Dr. Ratcliff provides a basic overview of why dental implants are a treatment of choice and then challenges the dental team to find opportunities to speak with existing patients about replacing missing teeth with implants and restorative treatments. Whether it is a missing single-tooth or an entirely edentulous patient, an implant may be an excellent option for restoration.
Practice Management SPEAR: Implantology for your team
Spear Education is dedicated to serving dentists who are driven by the desire to elevate their profession within their own practices, in their communities and around the globe. Spear encourages growth through challenging educational resources, opportunities that foster clinical excellence, and learning environments – both online and on campus – that build confidence and camaraderie.
Implant basics
Material de formación: Video
This course helps every member of the dental team understand the basic components of dental implants and their application. In this course, Dr. Ratcliff helps team members acquire fundamental knowledge necessary to converse with patients about everyday opportunities to improve their dental health.
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Implants are rapidly becoming the standard of care for replacement of missing teeth. Understanding implant use can help patients make good decisions about their dental treatment. In this course, Dr. Ratcliff helps practitioners understand the reasons a patient should choose an implant over other restoration options. Also, practitioners explore the best options for implants and how to simplify the process between the practice and the dental lab.
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Implant pieces and parts: lesson 4
Material de formación: Video
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Evaluation of edentulous space for implant placement needs to be precise. Positioning restorative components into an edentulous space must be carefully considered when treatment planning and making surgical guides. Having too little or too much space can create problems for the restorative doctor, the interdisciplinary team and the patient. In this course, Dr Darin Dichter provides a straightforward overview of EFSB concepts and details the challenges of having too much and too little inter-arch, interproximal and oro-facial space for an implant. The more accurate a preliminary restorative plan can be for the surgical team and the technician, the better the outcome will be.
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants: Lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Implants in the hygiene Room
Material de formación: Video
This Team Meeting reinforces the usefulness of dental implants as a treatment modality. Dr. Ratcliff provides a basic overview of why dental implants are a treatment of choice and then challenges the dental team to find opportunities to speak with existing patients about replacing missing teeth with implants and restorative treatments. Whether it is a missing single-tooth or an entirely edentulous patient, an implant may be an excellent option for restoration.
When Can I Have My Tooth: Understanding the Biology of Implant Osseointegration
Material de formación: Video
In this Team Meeting, Dr. Dichter addresses a question frequently asked by patients: When can I have my tooth? While it is desirable to keep treatment times as short as possible, it is important to approach dental implant placement in a way that allows for the most predictable successful outcomes. Dr. Dichter reviews the biologic factors that contribute to successful implant osseointegration, and why it is critical for the dental team to understand this and be able to convey it to patients who are anxious to expedite their dental implant treatment.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Practice Management SPEAR: Improving case acceptance
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
Traditional models of case presentation place little choice in the hands of our patients and fail to build the trust needed to inspire positive motivation for treatment. In this course, Dr. Spear reviews the independent patient research Spear has commissioned, and how the findings underscore patients' desire for a more collaborative style of case presentation and treatment planning. He then goes on to explain the benefits of utilizing the co-diagnosis model, as opposed to some of the alternative methodologies, and how tools such as Spear’s Patient Education platform can improve your case presentation.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 3
Material de formación: Video
Presenting treatment options vs treatment plans for improved case acceptance
Material de formación: Video
In this module, Dr. Spear will explain the difference between presenting treatment options vs. presenting treatment plans to improve case acceptance within the practice. He will walk the clinician and front office staff through the importance of making the patient visually aware of their issues, discussing the consequences of not treating the problem and making them aware of the benefits of treatment. He explains the importance of getting the patient involved in choosing the best treatment for them, and also discusses how to get the patient to hear all of their treatment possibilities, even when they keep asking about fees.
Creating Urgency for "Do I Really Need It?"
Material de formación: Video
Every day, patients ask you to help them prioritize their dental treatment needs. In this lesson, learn an approach to strategically communicating about the urgency of different treatment choices. Imtiaz Manji will help you answer the “how” questions with professional integrity while creating value for the treatment
Creating Urgency for "Do I Really Need It?": Q and A
Material de formación: Video
Fees and Price Versus Value Perception
Material de formación: Video
In this Team Meeting, Dr. Spear discusses perceived value and how it can affect the practice. He addresses the difference in pricing of dentistry and the value it can bring to patients along with how fees are typically set. He highlights the best ways to add value to the patient experience and how they play a major role in the success of a practice.
A research Driven Approach to case presentation: lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Practice Management SPEAR: Grow your practice
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 1
Material de formación: Video
This course will provide the practitioner with an overview and appreciation for growing a practice with intention for enjoyment. It will identify the different values patients have for care and help create a plan to incorporate all of them into every practice by systematically clarifying expectations, resulting in clear conversations with every patient.
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 2, lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 2, lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 3, lesson 1
Material de formación: Video
The Spear Model for Growing Your Practice: part 3, lesson 2
Material de formación: Video
Desplazamiento y lugares
Sokos Hotel Tripla
Fredikanterassi 1 B
00520 Helsinki
Persona de contacto
Katja Karkkainen