Simplify Edentulous Rehabilitation with Digital Workflows

Dr. Panos Papaspyridakos
Saturday, May 11 | 15.30 – 17.00

The adoption of a digital workflow for fully edentulous patients represents a significant advancement in modern implantology since it can offer a more efficient and accurate approach to treatment planning and execution. This approach streamlines the creation of comfortable and precise implant-supported full arch restorations and enhances the patient experience. The increased predictability and improved aesthetic outcomes associated with digital workflows are thus transforming the standard of care for edentulous patients. The workshop will highlight the effectiveness of intraoral scanning protocols in fully edentulous patients, underscoring a leap forward in digital dentistry. Attendees will gain insights on how to simplify and streamline edentulous treatments through digital workflow. The workshop will focus on a live step by step demonstration that will enable the participants to seamlessly implement it in their offices.