In May 2021, we finally launched the network: Germany was read to WIN!
Since May 2020 we were excitedly looking forward to this! Over the course of the pandemic interactions have become increasingly digital, which encouraged us to focus on our Instagram channel. @win_germany is the pivotal element of our network. This is where we get in contact with our followers; this is where we share all our activities and offers. Our posts engage and inspire our community, which grows day by day. More than 350 women and men follow us already!
#WINmunity #Togetherdifferent with PRIDE
Every member counts! Not only women follow us—men love our network as well, some of whom decided to join to support a change in implant dentistry. We address, explicitly, issues of importance to both women and men. We support cooperation and collaboration, no matter which gender, age or culture. #WINmunity #Togetherdifferent with PRIDE
In collaboration with our core group, we initiate exciting events and Instagram categories, like the #womenWINtasticDay. We present inspiring and #WINtastic women and men from our network on a regular basis.
Charlotte Stilwell started our #WINternationalday. In this category, we present women and men from the global network who support WIN’s global collaboration and cooperation.
So, look forward to inspiring personalities who carry WIN in their blood and heart.
In June 2021, we initiated also our first Insta live talk. #WINtime
Monika Bjelopavlovic and Caroline Bartram, two of our core group members held an online discussion on the different options for education and professional development in implantology. In this very entertaining conversation, they talked about their personal experiences and careers.
Join our next #WINtime with our core group and interesting guests! #WINtime
The fantastic 4
Meet our experienced and inspiring core group who drive WIN Germany:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ghazal Aarabi (M.Sc., specialist in prosthetics at DGPro and senior physician in the Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics)
Dr. Caroline Bartram (specialist dentist for oral surgery, active in private practice in Würzburg)
Dr. Monika Bjelopavlovic (M.Sc. Senior Physician at the Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics and Materials Science, Forensic Odonto-Stomatologist)
Dr. Karina Obreja (specialist dentist for oral surgery, senior physician in the polyclinic for dental surgery and implantology).
Link up with them to get in touch and to enlarge our network!