Dr. Sonia Presencia Pascual

Dr. Presencia gratuated in Dentistry from the Cardenal Herrera C.E.U. University in Valencia. She got a Official University Master in Advanced Orthodontics in European University of Valencia.

In her continuous education are: International Master of Aligners, European Master of Aligners, Integral Master in Oral Implantology ITI and a Post-graduate Program in Oral Implantology from the University of California.

She is the owner of two dental clinics in Valencia, Spain and combines private practice with training, teaching courses and conferences nationally and internationally.

She is Global Advisor for ClearCorrect, Mixed Dentition Clinical Council Member, and WON Ambassador (Women Orthodontics Network).

She collaborated in chapter 1 writing about diagnosis and planning with orthodontics in implant treatments in the book “Oclusión y Prótesis sobre Implantes” by autor Maxi Cacciacane. Ed. Peldaño. 2023.