Ben Sellick
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Je suis un professionnel dentaire
Ben Sellick
The BLX implant has widely become one of the most popular implants today. It’s ease of use, unique geometry and reliable surface provide surgeons with a high level of confidence at the time of placement.
This webinar provides a clinical and lab-based perspective and examines the treatment pathways for restoring the TorcFit connection of BLX implants for a variety of treatment options at implant level and abutment level for single and multiple unit prostheses.
Groupe cible: Dentistes, Endodontiste, Dentistes généralistes, Implantologue, Chirurgien, Orthodontiste, Parodontiste, Prosthodontiste
Segments du produit: Solutions numériques, Orthodontie
Haut-parleurs: Dr. Ben Sellick
Matériel d’apprentissage: Video
Michelle Liew