Improving non-surgical periodontal therapy: the advantage of Emdogain FL application.

Sur demande | Online

Réservation possible
Date limite d’inscription
07. juil. 2026 (UTC+10)
Prix par participant (avec taxes locales en vigueur)
AUD 0.00
1.5 Points
Méthode de livraison
Cours en ligne


Prof. Filippo Graziani


Prof. Filippo Graziani presents via live stream from Italy and provides his insights on subgingival instrumentation and how to apply Emdogain FL non-surgically to close more deep pockets in order to reduce the need for surgery.

Prof. Graziani has vast clinical and scientific experience with Emdogain applied surgically and he recently published a clinical study on its flapless application in the non-surgical phase of periodontal treatment.

Groupe cible: Dentistes, Endodontiste, Dentistes généralistes, Implantologue, Chirurgien, Orthodontiste, Parodontiste, Prosthodontiste

Segments du produit: Autres

Objectifs d’apprentissage

By the end of the webinar you will:

  • Discover how to improve your subgingival cleaning to eliminate more periodontal pockets
  • Understand the step-by-step procedure of using Emdogain® FL for flapless approach
  • Find about the application of the conventional non-surgical treatment performed in a specific way, especially in deep pockets
  • Learn tips and tricks for successful procedures that may lead to avoiding surgery


Launch Event: Straumann Emdogain Flapless Application

Haut-parleurs: Prof. Filippo Graziani

Matériel d’apprentissage: Video

Personne à contacter

Eleanor Bent