Bouncing Back from COVID-19 

The coming back of the Dental Practice

Unexpected down time can be both a blessing and a curse. Of course, the impact of a dental practice closing on patients, staff and the business cannot be underestimated. However, the flip side is that many people who work in all corners of the dental industry suddenly have time to concentrate on areas that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. 

Across the Straumann Group, we remain as committed as ever to supporting our customers. As such, we have put our heads together and came up with some ideas about how you could make the most of any free hours you may now have.  In the eBook you will find suggestions and advice from our teams regarding what you can do and how we can help you during this challenging time. 

Guidelines for best practice in biosafety at the Dental Clinic

We, who work in Dentistry, know the importance of following safety procedures regarding prevention, protection and care.

The world has changed. For this reason, we started the #TogetherStrong movement: together with dentists working in health care to reinforce biosafety protocols and prepare ourselves for this new era. 

In order to promote the safety of patients and dental workers, we created this manual of good biosafety practices in dental environments. The aim is to provide guidance to prepare the 4 essential counterparts in dentistry: CLINICS, DENTISTS, AUXILIARY STAFF and PATIENTS.

Count on us and together we will spread this message. 

The coming back of the Dental Laboratory

2020 was a year of many firsts for us all. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken it out of many businesses around the globe. For dental laboratories, the closure of many practices they collaborate with, as well as the need to protect their own staff, meant that many were either temporarily shut down or running a very limited service. 

What matters most going forwards, is how well you and your team bounce back. That’s why the Straumann Group put together this ebook. We appreciate that every business will be different and therefore will have been affected in a slightly different way, but we hope that by sharing our ideas and experiences that we can offer some assistance to everyone as you recover from the COVID-19 situation. We also understand how long it can take to get back to the normal rhythm of daily life. However, we are still here for you. We are looking forward to a fresh start, which will involve reflection, inspiration

and collaboration. This is a chance to reset, not resign.

The coming back of the dental practice | ClearCorrect

Unexpected down time can be both a blessing and a curse. Of course, the impact of a dental practice closing on patients, staff and the business cannot be underestimated. However, the flip side is that many people who work in all corners of the dental industry suddenly have time to concentrate on areas that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. 

Across the Straumann Group, we remain as committed as ever to supporting our customers. As such, we have put our heads together and came up with some ideas about how you could make the most of any free hours you may now have.  In the eBook you will find suggestions and advice from our teams regarding what you can do and how we can help you during this challenging time. 

The coming back of the Dental Practice

An overview of what measures and guidance could be considered  when opening up, managing and operating practices post COVID-19 lockdown. A compilation of shared views and best practices. 

The ITI UK& Ireland: information and evolving best practices

The need for information on COVID-19 is great, and more information is emerging on a continuous basis. As an academic partner, the ITI has undertaken to gather the most useful information related to dentistry that is currently available. 

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