Nicolas Homsi
Nicolas Homsi
Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan
• Define and review principles in immediate loading
• Review the history of the use of zygomatic anchors
• Apply surgical technique for the installation of zygomatic fixation
• Discuss different approaches to treatment of atrophic maxilla
• Determine prosthetic aspects involved in the rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla
• Review Branemark’s classic technique and Stella’s exteriorization technique
Ponentes: DDS, MSC Nicolas Homsi, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan
Lugar: Orofacial Institute of the Americas Rio de Janeiro
Ponentes: DDS, MSC Nicolas Homsi, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan
Lugar: Orofacial Institute of the Americas Rio de Janeiro
Ponentes: DDS, MSC Nicolas Homsi, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan
Lugar: Orofacial Institute of the Americas Rio de Janeiro
Ponentes: DDS, MSC Nicolas Homsi, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan
Lugar: Orofacial Institute of the Americas Rio de Janeiro
Orofacial Institute of the Americas
Av. das Américas 700 - Barra da Tijuca
22640-100 Rio de Janeiro
Nicole Lucey