CAD/CAM accessories
For customized dental prosthetics
Anthogyr offers a full range of Simeda® CAD/CAM accessories consisting of:
- Scan Adapters for single and multiple restorations. The list of Scan Adapters is provided in the compatibility list.
- Wax-Up for restorations using Axiom® BL and TL implants.

Simeda Scan-Adapters
> Scan Adapters for scanning master models - Design features
- Automatically identify the implant platforms and conical abutments listed in the Compatibility List (i.e. Anthogyr etc...),
- Can be used without spray even with conical abutment connection systems,
- For optimal performance,
- Scan Adapters (SA) are screwed onto analogs using the dedicated SA Tool,
- Scan Adapters are also available separately to complete a kit.

> Scan Adapter Kits for Lab use - Design features
Fully compatible with Simeda® approved platforms (list available in the Compatibility List), A special Kit includes 10 Axiom® Multi Level Scan Adapters:
- 4 SAA for implant-supported single-unit restorations
- 6 SAO for restorations using 4.8 mm multi-unit abutments, Custom slots accommodate Scan Adapters, fixation screws, and SA Tool.

Simeda Wax-Up
> Wax Ups for Axiom® BL implants - Design features
- Deep grooves on the coronal face for optimal resin distribution,
- Plastic material for easy shaping,
- Gingival area fits all Axiom® emergence profiles,
- Built-in tri-lobe feature for accurate connection,
- Sold individually or in packs of 4.

> Wax Ups for Axiom® BL Multi-Unit abutments - Design features
- Deep grooves on the coronal face for optimal resin distribution,
- Plastic material for easy shaping,
- Sold individually or in packs of 4, with or without laboratory screw