• Completely redesigned.

    Exciting new products.

Limited-time exclusive IOS bundle deals

We’re sorry we missed you at the AAO this year! We’ve been busy! And wanted to share with you what’s new plus take advantage of our AAO promos. Check out the promo deals below and fill out the form to take advantage of these limited-time offers!


Great deals on IOS bundles!

5 Unlimited Cases: $6,500*
10 Unlimited Cases: $12,000*
2 Unlimited Vouchers with Virtuo Vivo: $14,360*
20 Unlimited Vouchers with Virtou Vivo: $34,950*
40 Unlimited Vouchers with Virtou Vivo: $54,475*
40 Unlimited Vouchers with TRIOS 4 Wireless: $66,305*
40 Unlimited Vouchers with TRIOS 5: $70,105*

*US Prices; Canada prices available from your TM

Get the bundles!