Case 2: procedure
After losing abutment tooth 43, a 62-year-old female patient with residual dentition in the mandible and a full denture in the maxilla no longer had sufficient anchoring possibilities for the removal mandible prosthesis. If the patient wishes to have a fixed restoration in the mandible, the situation is ideal for a solution with posterior angled implants (Fig. 12, 13). After the extraction of the residual teeth in the mandible, the soft tissue was folded back and occlusal reduction carried out on the alveolar process bone to create sufficient space for the prosthesis and a broad bone level (Fig. 14, 15). The four Straumann® Bone Level implants were then inserted, once again straight in the number two position and slanting in the number four position. Abutments angled at 30° (height 4 mm) were screwed in the number four position and fixed to 35 Ncm. The abutments were then screwed onto the implants in the number two area and fitted onto the titanium caps (Fig. 16, 17). Using the prepared template, an impression was taken in correct occlusion – which was determined using an occlusal key – with Qu-resin. The template was then sent together with the polymerized titanium caps to the laboratory, where the titanium-reinforced temporary bridge was manufactured. This was inserted within twelve hours and screwed. As a result, (limited) immediate loading is possible within the first four weeks (Fig. 18-20). In the further course of treatment, the bridge will be unscrewed for the first time after two weeks to remove the threads and check the peri-implant soft tissue situation. The bridge will be fixed again and left in position for three months. The patient will be instructed to eat soft foods for the first 4 – 6 weeks, after which she can switch to full loading. After three months, a control OPT will be carried out and the bridge removed again. If no irregularities are discovered, the manufacture of the final suprastructure can be planned and carried out after a further three months, provided that the soft tissue and bone situation is stable.