Surgical procedure
After the healing period of two months, four Straumann® PURE Ceramic Monotype Implants were placed in the lower jaw, in positions #34, #36, #43, and #46. We used Straumann® PURE Ceramic Monotype Implants with an abutment height (AH) of 5.5 mm (diameter 4.1 mm – ZLA, 10 mm in positions # 34, #36, and #46, 12mm in position #43). The temporary prefabricated bridge was adapted and placed chairside using the RD PURE Ceramic Temporary Coping – PMMA - for crowns.
Likewise, in the upper jaw, non-salvageable teeth were extracted six months later in a conservative manner. Two months after extraction, six Straumann® PURE Ceramic Monotype Implants were placed in positions #16, #13, #11, #21, #23, and #26. We used Straumann® PURE Ceramic Monotype Implants with an AH of 4 mm, except for #26, where we used an AH of 5.5 mm. The implant diameter was 4.1 mm, and the implant length was 10 mm in positions #16, #13, #11, #23, and #26, and 12 mm in position #21.
On the day of surgery, the surgical guide was placed, and its optimal fit was checked. Local anesthesia, consisting of 2% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine, was infiltrated. After the guide’s fixation pin was drilled and inserted, the mucosa punch was used to remove the soft tissue conservatively (Figs. 10-12).