#Full-Arch 14. Mar 2023

Campus Live Webinar FP1 prosthesis: plan for esthetics, respect the biology

The FP1 prosthesis for graftless immediate full-arch rehabilitation is a viable treatment option. It has several advantages for the edentulous or soon-to-be edentulous patient and at the same time presents dental professionals challenges considering the esthetics and clinical limitations involved. This webinar will focus on the application of fundamental biological concepts during the planning of implant rehabilitation treatments of edentulous or soon-to-be edentulous patients with an FP1 prosthesis. In this webinar, Dr. Amin Motamedi, an experienced trainer in the field of immediate full arch rehabilitation, will be speaking about the optimal management of peri-implant hard and soft tissues as a key to predictable and successful results.

The learning objective is to introduce to the immediate full-arch treatment using the FP1 prosthesis and some essential topics related to this treatment option:

  1. Critical soft tissue dimensions around dental implants
  2. Critical peri-implant bone dimensions
  3. Ideal 3d implant position
  4. Implant restoration emergence profile design
  5. Maintenance 

Save the date live webinar: Thursday, 20 Apr 2023 02:00 PM CET

About Straumann Campus Live

Straumann Campus Live is a webinar program that covers all the major themes impacting modern dentistry today: implant dentistry, orthodontics, periodontology, digital workflow, biomaterials, 3D printing in dentistry and much more. Not a member yet? Go to Straumann Campus Live and register for free now to watch this webinar.

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