#Education 01. Apr 2019

Straumann Science Flash 04/2019

With our regular “Science Flash” program, we provide you with a digest of brand-new scientific results from the world of dental implantology and beyond.

Topics in this issue of  Straumann Science Flash:

  • 1 year results from immediately loaded fixed full-arch Straumann® BLT implant-retained prostheses (Eckert S. et al. 2019).
  • Application of Straumann Emdogain® after non-surgical periodontal treatment for better periodontal healing of deep pockets (Graziani F. et al. 2019).
  • Implants with a hydrophilic surface are more conducive to faster osseointegration even in conjunction with simultaneous bone grafting (El Chaar E. et al 2019).