#Education 05. Aug 2020

COVID-19 Risk Assessment: Addendum to the SAC Classification

As an addendum to its SAC Classification, the ITI published a COVID-19 risk assessment document to address specific potential risks associated with transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during implant therapy.

Risk Assessment COVID-19 Period:

Factors for consideration

The world is currently experiencing a global pandemic that is impacting on every aspect of society, including provision of dental services. The airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus poses new and specific challenges for risk mitigation in the dental setting. It is in particular the risk of transmission via aerosol-generating events (AGE) and procedures (AGP) that has come into focus. This has resulted in an increase in already stringent dental cross-infection precautions as well as restrictions on when and where provision of the various types of dental treatment modalities can take place.

Implant therapy is one of the dental treatment modalities that are subject to restrictions. It is traditionally regarded as elective and by its nature includes invasive, surgical treatment. It also presents with differing levels of difficulty and degrees of risk for complications in every patient case. In the midst of the pandemic it seems logical to defer any elective, non-essential treatment. However, not proceeding with treatment can result in problems for patients or increased risk of further complications or sub-optimal outcomes. Thus there may be situations where proceeding with treatment (ensuring adequate safety precautions for the patient, practitioner and assistant) is, on balance, a better option.

This COVID-19 addendum to the SAC Classification is a living document intended to address specific potential risks associated with transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during implant therapy. It also considers the risks of not proceeding with therapy due to COVID-19 period restrictions. The full SAC Classification should be completed in a normal manner to ensure that implant risk assessment as well as identification of relevant modifying factors are addressed.

About the SAC Assessment Tool

The SAC Assessment Tool reflects the normative guidelines developed by the ITI for various types of restorative and surgical cases. The tool makes use of the ITI’s highly regarded classification system referred to as SAC: Straightforward, Advanced, Complex. It is based on the book entitled "The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry", published by the ITI in cooperation with Quintessence Publishing Group. The tool distills the content of the book in an easy-to-use process that takes you through each step necessary to identify the degree of complexity and potential risk involved in individual cases.

About the ITI Academy

Dental implant education at its best – learn new skills with the help of the ITI’s continuing education courses and programs in implant dentistry. From theory and principles to clinical applications, the ITI Academy provides products, tools and activities that suit your educational needs.

About the International Team for Implantology (ITI)

The ITI, Straumann’s scientific partner, is a global association of professionals in implant dentistry. In 40 years, the ITI has built a reputation for scientific rigor combined with concern for the welfare of patients. Its objectives are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields. The ITI’s purpose is to engage and inspire the global dental profession to strive for excellence in implant dentistry for the benefit of the patient. It provides comprehensive, quality education in implant dentistry and supports and facilitates cutting-edge research in this and related fields. The ITI has more than 18,000 Fellows & Members (2021), 31 national and regional Sections, more than 700 Study Clubs all over the world and has dedicated more than USD 55 million to research since 1988 (2021). Website: www.iti.org