#Education 07. Sep 2020

Key Online Opinion Leaders – who are they?

We understand KOOLs to be KOLs with a presence in the digital world, well established in social media and beyond: blogs, podcasts, online courses, webinars, live-streamed events.

Profiles in the digital world

What are the common denominators of successful opinion leaders in the digital world? High quality visuals! Esthetically pleasing! Inspiring! Content heavy! Excellence in clinical skills! Engaging! Fun! Authentic! Snackable! And the preferred content from these communities? Clinical cases, education and scientific news.

KOOLs do not have a homogenous profile, as clearly reflected in the #KOOL expert group. This is the strength of this outstanding and complementary group of individuals.

Who is in the #KOOL expert group?

KOOLs are clinicians that inspire you; each is exceptional in some way that makes them unique and admirable. KOOLs are clinicians that combine being on the one side trusted sources and respected experts with high quality content; on the other being real, authentic and easily accessible for everyone…. KOLs in the digital world.

Does a KOOL have the same profile of an academic KOL? NO. But are KOLs and KOOLs mutually exclusive profiles? NO. Do KOOLs have the same kind of collaboration with industry as a KOL? NO. Is it a simply different name for a social media influencer? NO.

We understand a KOOL as a KOL from the digital world: a Key Online Opinion Leader, combining the best of both worlds.

Do you want to know more about KOOLs? Click here.