#Education 01. Apr 2020

Management of general dental patients during the COVID-19 risk period.

Dr. Julian Perry from MyDentist has compiled an overview about COVID-19 enclosed in this Point-of-View (POV) for the Straumann Group.

The information about management of COVID-19 in this file is associated to:

  • The protection of front line dental personnel
  • The safeguarding and protection of patients visiting an emergency dental clinic.

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Please note that by publishing these texts Straumann merely supports clinics who wish to share their best practice guidelines. Straumann as a manufacturer of medical devices is not in a position to create or publish guidelines for clinics or dentists. Therefore, the content does not originate from Straumann and Straumann cannot accept any responsibility or liability in respect to this content. Neither Institut Straumann AG nor any of its affiliates accept any responsibility for completeness, accuracy, appropriateness and/or correctness of the information provided by third parties. Any content published here shall not be construed as any kind of recommendation or guarantee. Institut Straumann AG and all its affiliated companies explicitly disclaim any and all liability for any damages, claims etc. that may arise related to any information provided hereinafter.