#Education 30. Jan 2020

Straumann Scientific Highlights, Issue No. 7/2019 (November - December)

Editor’s choice: Clinical performance of titanium zirconium implants with a hydrophilic surface in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus: 2-year results from a prospective case-control clinical study.(Cabrera-Domínguez JJ et al., 2019)

DOWNLOAD the November - December issue of our “Scientific Highlights” newsletter with short summaries of recently published scientific evidence.

In the current issue of the newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to the article by Cabrera-Domínguez JJ et al., published in the Clinical Oral Investigations.

The study analyzed the 2-year clinical performance of single-unit titanium-zirconium (TiZr) alloy narrow-diameter (3.3 mm) dental implants with a hydrophilic surface (Straumann® Roxolid®, SLActive®) in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Two years after implant placement and prosthetic restoration, no implant failures were reported in either group, resulting in 100% survival and success rates in both groups.

Ths study established that reduced diameter TiZr alloy implants with a hydrophilic surface represent a safe and predictable treatment option for patients with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus