#Education 28. Sep 2021

Scientific Highlights No. 5/2021

In the current issue of the newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to the research articles published in July and August 2021.

Editor’s choice:

Tilted versus axial implant distribution in the posterior edentulous maxilla

Adam Hamilton et al., published in the journal; Clinical Oral Implant Research.

The publication aimed to determine whether distally angulating an implant is a successful strategy to avoid the maxillary sinus and the need for bone augmentation, while increasing the anterior-posterior (A-P) implant distribution in the edentulous maxilla.

It was seen that angulating 12 mm implants provides a limited increase in A-P distribution of implants in edentulous rehabilitation in most situations. In certain patients, the use of 8mm axial implants may provide a greater A-P spread.

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