#Immediacy 14. Feb 2023

Straumann Open Mic Ep. 5: “Optimizing clinical outcomes in all regions with immediate and digital workflows” with Dr. Sonia Leziy (Host: Dr. Christian Jarry)

In this episode of Open Mic, Dr. Sonia Leziy (Canada) talks to Dr. Christian Jarry (Straumann Global Clinical Affairs) about her decision- making when using the Straumann® Implant System in order to optimize the clinical outcomes, as well as on immediacy, digital workflows and the future of implantology. The insightful conversation was recorded during the EAO 2022 in Geneva.

“Dental Practice Management” by IMD and ITI: click here

About Straumann Open Mic

The “Straumann Open Mic” format offers a stage for clinicians, researchers and opinion leaders to present their point of view in an open and straightforward manner – to stimulate discussion and exchange, no matter how controversial the topic may be.

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