CARES® Integrated Digital Solutions

CARES® P series

What does your peers think about the
CARES© P-series?

  • Przemek Seweryniak, Cosmodent

     "After testing a lot of different printers on the market I can say that the
    Straumann P30 is one of the most agile printers I came across.
    It has a build plate big enough to have big enough through output for our production. Accuracy is spot on and speed of the prints are awsome. Accuracy is easily controlled with the validated workflow and possibility to calibrate the printer in an easy way secures that it is constantly spot on. Working a lot with implants the printer has shown an accuracy hardly found elsewhere. This is at the moment my favorite printer and I hope it will be for a long time." 

  • Brendan Cox, Unique Dental

    “At Unique Dental we rely upon facts so we can produce our products at the highest level of quality. Fact: Rapidshape is Reliable! It has helped shape our expectations of 3d printing, in the demanding environment of today’s modern dental lab.”

The new standard in speed and reliability

A new generation of precision 3D printers from CARES®: for fast and professional production of certified, top-quality dental products. Tailored to meet demand in medical practice and dental laboratories as well as having full integration and validation for our CARES® workflow. Sturdy, reliable and suited to a host of applications – tomorrow’s 3D printing solution in the dental field.

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Your benefits


Fully integrated in the validated workflow of CARES®.


Highly esthetic prints with pure color/pure transparency based on professional 385 nm UV LED


Precise non-stop-work based on direct resin temperature regulation 


Ease of use thanks to resin handling system (RSH), automatic door and control features


Certified auto calibration sensor (ACCS)


Fastest print speed makes short lab response possible by force-feedback (patented)


Design suitable for dental labs & clinics with flat, easy-to-clean surfaces and controls