Dental care for you
You need dental treatment and take an active role in finding the right solution. We are here for you focusing on your needs. Find answers to your most urgent questions and see how we fulfill patients’ needs on treatments, comfort, esthetics and affordability.
We work with and for professionals for better patient care. Providing outstanding products, services and education to dental professionals enables them to provide you with reliable treatment. This is our vision. Read more about the Straumann Group and what inspires us.

"My new teeth changed my life dramatically. I am more confident, more secure in myself. I am able to smile, you know, laugh and joke, eat things that I couldn’t eat, like apples and the hard stuff."
Resheemah, 49
New teeth the same day?
In so-called immediate procedures you receive one or several new teeth the day of tooth extraction. This can be a huge advantage. You won’t have to wear a removable prosthesis to hide the gap in your smile and can reduce the number of office visits to a minimum. Still the implant(s) need time to fuse with your jawbone and you will have to avoid chewing in the respective area for some time. In most of the cases you will receive a temporary crown, bridge or prosthesis first and have permanent new teeth later. However, regardless if temporary or permanent, it will be hard to tell the difference from your natural, healthy teeth.
Ask your dentist or dental implant team if immediate tooth replacement is a viable choice for you. Our product portfolio including advanced digital technologies and workflows are made to support this kind of treatment.
"Without darkness, we cannot see how we shine. I consider myself grateful for what happened to me."
Renato, 21

"I believe that being ok with ourselves, it passes on to others. I wasn’t happy with the look of my smile and we started working with transparent aligners. This treatment was fundamental, my smile is kind of my business card."
Lorena, 33
More gentle and fast implant treatment?
There are so-called less-invasive treatment options which can be less stressful for the body and have a potential for faster healing. For example, the smaller the implant, the less stress it usually causes for the body upon insertion and the faster it can heal. We have developed a special implant material which makes it possible to use implants small in diameter or length, which still withstand all the forces when you chew.
Additionally, a dedicated biomaterial helps periodontal regeneration and soft-tissue wound-healing. Ask your dental team for all the options.

"When are you going to have teeth again, asked my daughter – I can say with confidence that I was reborn. It’s pure joy, my friend!"
Marco, 54

"We have been inseparable since we got married 38 years ago. So it was not easy to go into the surgery alone. But I received my temporary new teeth right away. Now I can enjoy delicious food and smile again."
Cao, 60
Uncertain about implants?
The idea of having a foreign body permanently implanted into your mouth may feel daunting. But implant therapy is not an experimental approach. It is a well-proven, state-of-the-art medical dental technique that has been scientifically tested and used for decades. As a global pioneer in implant dentistry we have long-term scientific evidence to show that our products work. Based on the different clinical situations we offer a complete portfolio of dental implants in different materials, diameters, lengths and shapes. Through this portfolio we offer your dentist all the elements needed to treat you based on your individual situation.

"After three months, I can enjoy a proper meal now. I can basically eat anything that’s on the table."
Adam, 79