Cross Bite
When you bite, your upper teeth fall inside your bottom teeth, which is opposite of how it should be. This could occur with one tooth or with a group of teeth, and can occur anywhere in the mouth.


Why fix them?
A cross bite is just begging for trouble. Typically, with a cross bite the chewing edges of your teeth aren’t meeting the way they should, so all of your chewing and biting force is transferred to the wrong surfaces at the wrong angles. You could start to notice gum recession, fractured teeth, worn spots on your teeth, and more.
Can ClearCorrect help?
Yes! ClearCorrect aligners can fix cross bite.
A treatment for all smiles
Smiles come in all shapes and sizes, and so do malocclusions. ClearCorrect can straighten a wide variety of smiles. Do any of these look like your teeth? Click on them to learn more.