Dennis Rohner completed the Dental and Medical Board examinations in 1985 and 1990, respectively, in Switzerland. He has been trained in Handsurgery, General Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery before Maxillofacial Surgery. He spent 12 months in Singapore in the Dept of Plastic Surgery (Singapore General Hospital) and in the Dept of Tissue Engineering (National University of Singapore). He completed his training in Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital in Basel in 1999. In 2005 he completed his master thesis (“Prefabrication of free vascular flaps”) and was subsequently appointed as an Associate Professor at the University of Basel. He is a senior consultant in the Craniofacial Center, where he practices since 2003. He is a Faculty Member of AO International. He has widely lectured and published internationally.
Specialization fields: Oral Surgery, Maxiofacial Surgery, Implantology
Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Digital Solutions, Biomaterials, Guided Surgery, Zygomatic

Center of Dental Education
Cranio Facial Center
Aarau, Switzerland
Website: www.craniofacial.ch
Phone: 0041 62 836 78 78