Recordings from the Corporate Forum

ITI World Symposium 2024


From the evidence-based legacy to innovative treatment breakthrough

How to achieve long term success with different implant timing protocols

Prof. Ronald Jung


For a successful and predictable implant therapy in the esthetic zone we need to know that advantages and disadvantage of the different implant timing protocols. The timepoint of implant placement after tooth extraction is one of the most important factors for a long-term success.

From a patient perspective an immediate implant placement is the most convenient timing protocol. However, as a clinician you need to know all the biologic changes and alterations taking place after tooth extraction and you need to know the limits and chances for the esthetic outcome. In the last 10-15 years we have learned clinically and scientifically which implant timing protocol should be used in which clinical and patient situation.

The present lecture will provide you with a clear decision tree for the selection of the right implant timing protocol for each individual clinical situation. Based on complications of esthetic cases you will better understand how to make the right decisions for every individual case and to choose the right timepoint after tooth extraction.


Ronald Jung is trained in oral surgery, prosthodontics and implant therapy. He is currently Head Division of Implantology Center of Dental Medicine, Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the of the University of Zürich. In 2006 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA (Chairman: Prof. Dr. D. Cochran). 2008 he finalized his „Habilitation“ (venia legendi) in dental medicine and was appointed at the University of Zürich. In 2011 he became his PhD doctorate degree of the University of Amsterdam, ACTA dental school, The Netherlands. In 2013 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, USA. In 2015 he has been promoted to full Professorship for Implantology at the University of Zurich. He is an accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and researcher, best known for his work in the field of hard and soft tissue management and his research on new technologies in implant dentistry. He is currently Secretary General of the EAO, President of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry and member of the Board of Directors of the Osteology Foundation.

Future of dental Implantology set with patient-first-strategy

Prof. France Lambert


The ever-growing developments in implant dentistry lead to new treatment protocols and offer novel opportunities to meet the patient's needs and expectations.  This lecture aims to highlight the latest trends and treatment strategies to restore the esthetic zone. Key aspects of personalized digital treatment planning and the importance of hard and soft tissue management will be highlighted through clinical cases and the latest scientific data. The overall objective is to help dental professionals to adopt practices that prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction while providing reliable outcomes.


Prof. France Lambert graduated in dentistry in 2002 and completed her post-graduate program in Periodontology at the University of Liège, Belgium in 2005. Thereafter, she received a 1-year ITI scholarship to expand her education in implantology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and defended her PhD thesis on regenerative biomaterials in 2011 while acting as a Head of Clinic at the University of Liège. Currently, she is Professor and Head of the Department of Periodontology, Oro-dental Surgery and Implant Surgery ( at University of Liège in Belgium and the director of the EFP-accredited post graduate program in periodontology and implant dentistry. She is also the co-director of the dental Biomaterials Research Unit (d-BRU) ( Her clinical activity is exclusively dedicated to periodontology and implantology and her research focuses on the validation of innovative protocols in implant dentistry, hard and soft tissue regeneration, and the development of smart regenerative materials. France Lambert is the Past President of the Belgian Society of Periodontology (2013-2016), Delegate at the European Federation of Periodontology (since 2017), Chair of the ITI Belux section (since 2017) and an Affiliate of the European Academy of Esthetic dentistry (since 2013). She is also a member of the ITI Research Committee (since 2021) and was a member of the Expert Council of the Osteology Foundation (2015-2019). She is lecturing internationally and is the author of numerous scientific articles and acts as a reviewer for several journals in her field.


Efficient prosthetic-driven workflows for complex edentulous cases

Immediate, precise and predictable. A fully digital workflow for edentulous arches

Dr. Panos Papaspyridako


Various digital workflows are being implemented currently in full-arch implant rehabilitation with unclear results and predictability. This presentation will address a disruptive clinical protocol from “A-to-Z” for complete digital workflow in full-arch rehabilitation for both terminal dentition and edentulous patients with CAD/CAM implant-supported fixed complete dental prostheses.

A step-by-step digital approach from diagnostic data collection and planning to surgical and prosthetic management will be illustrated through clinical cases and supported by scientific evidence from multicenter clinical trials.


Dr. Papaspyridakos serves as an Associate Professor of Postgraduate Prosthodontics at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and as adjunct Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at the University of Rochester Eastman Institute for Oral Health, and he maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry in Boston MA. Dr. Papaspyridakos has published more than 100 articles and abstracts in international peer-reviewed journals and has authored book chapters in 10 Implant Dentistry textbooks, while he serves as reviewer for several dental journals. His clinical research is widely cited and has received international acclaim with educational awards. He is a fellow of the International Team of Implantology (ITI) and the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP) and he lectures extensively on dental implants and esthetics in national and international dental meetings.

Effective treatment modalities for patients with severely atrophied maxilla

ITI Zygoma consensus. Zygoma biomechanics explained.

Dr. Edmond Bedrossian


Use of the zygoma implant to establish posterior support for a fixed implant-supported prosthesis has become very popular and adopted by many clinicians globally. There are fundamental biomechanical criteria established and followed by Professor Branemark in the 1990s resulting in over 97% success using this treatment concept. This presentation will outline the 2023 ITI Consensus paper describing the contemporary finite element analysis which re-confirms the existing biomechanical criteria in order for clinicians to be able to properly treatment plan and reconstruct their patients who present with fully edentulous maxillae using the Zygoma implant concept.


Dr. Edmond Bedrossian graduated from the University of San Francisco in 1981. He completed his training in 1986 at the University of The Pacific, School of Dentistry and completed a four-year Oral & Maxillofacial Residency training program at the Alameda Medical Center. In addition to private practice, Dr. Bedrossian is recognized as an expert in the field of dental implants and has given numerous presentations on the subject both nationally and internationally between 2004 and the present. He has also led several long-running study clubs related to this topic. In addition, he has lectured internationally with Professor Brånemark on various topics, especially the rehabilitation of patients with maxillofacial defects.

Effective treatment modalities for patients with severely atrophied maxilla

ZAGA Concept in Clinical Practice - A comprehensive treatment protocol that has evolved to bring success in the implant rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxilla.

Dr. James Chow


Zygomatic implant treatment has continued to evolve and optimize since its introduction to the dental profession by PI Brånemark in the 90s. Due to the development of ZAGA concept over the last two decades and the availability of ZAGA Round & Flat zygomatic implants since 2020; nowadays, we are able to place zygomatic implants with an intra-sinus or extra-sinus path after taking into consideration of patient’s maxillary anatomy and fulfilling the prosthetic-driven treatment principles. In my presentation, I shall guide you through the current workflow of the ZAGA Concept for patients suffering from severe maxillary atrophy.


Dr. James Chow received his dental and medical degree from Hong Kong University in 1988 and 1998 and completed his specialist training in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in Hong Kong. He is the Honorary Associate Professor at Hong Kong University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Dr. Chow has expertise in immediate dental implant loading, Zygomatic implants, and guided surgery. He lectures nationally and internationally and has published over 20 articles on dental implants, computer-aided surgery, and three-dimensional technology in oral surgery. His private practice is located in Hong Kong.


Contemporary workflows for highly demanding esthetic cases

The advancement of digital smile design in implant dentistry: crucial points for esthetic treatment planning

Dr. Maja Chmielewska


The esthetic area of our patient’s smile requires perfect planning. Simple mistakes in implant positioning very often have irrevocable consequences and may end up in major esthetic complications. Digital technologies are developed to help us minimize potential mistakes and provide control over the esthetic outcomes of treatment.


Maja Chmielewska is a private practitioner, with the focus on digital protocols in implant dentistry, education, and practice management. She graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw in 2016, spent a year in CAD/CAM material research and as a teaching assistant in Los Angeles and acquired her Masters’ degree in implantology and periodontology from DTMD University in Luxemburg. Dr Maja has been actively involved in education, lecturing in more than 25 countries, and participating in multiple online education events. She is a co-author of the “Guided Surgery” book and an ITI Fellow. She runs the Young ITI Study Club in Poland.

Maximizing treatment outcomes in complex cases with digital protocols

Dr. Alejandro Lanis


Advanced methodologies and digital technologies encompass a spectrum of virtual tools and techniques designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning precision, and surgical execution. Digital protocols employ high-resolution imaging, such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), to provide detailed anatomical insights, which are crucial for assessing complex cases with multifaceted clinical challenges. The three-dimensional data acquired is then utilized in conjunction with computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a virtual simulation of the proposed treatment, allowing for meticulous pre-surgical planning.

The synergy of CAD with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems facilitates the production of precise surgical guides and custom prosthetics tailored to the individual's anatomy and functional conditions. This precision engineering significantly mitigates risks and enhances the predictability of clinical outcomes. Intraoral digital scanners replace traditional impression materials, offering patients a more comfortable experience while ensuring detailed replications of the oral cavity. Moreover, digital smile design applications empower clinicians and patients to visualize esthetic outcomes and make informed decisions regarding treatment options.

In conclusion, digital protocols stand at the vanguard of modern dentistry, providing a robust framework for tackling complex cases with greater accuracy, efficiency, and patient satisfaction. They represent a paradigm shift towards evidence-based, patient-centered care that optimizes treatment outcomes and paves the way for the future of dental medicine.


The synergy of CAD with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems facilitates the production of precise surgical guides and custom prosthetics tailored to the individual's anatomy and functional conditions. This precision engineering significantly mitigates risks and enhances the predictability of clinical outcomes. Intraoral digital scanners replace traditional impression materials, offering patients a more comfortable experience while ensuring detailed replications of the oral cavity. Moreover, digital smile design applications empower clinicians and patients to visualize esthetic outcomes and make informed decisions regarding treatment options.

In conclusion, digital protocols stand at the vanguard of modern dentistry, providing a robust framework for tackling complex cases with greater accuracy, efficiency, and patient satisfaction. They represent a paradigm shift towards evidence-based, patient-centered care that optimizes treatment outcomes and paves the way for the future of dental medicine.