Treating edentulous patients often remains a challenge when you look at the expectations and clinical limitations involved. Since every patient represents unique anatomical situations, one treatment solution may not fit all. At the Straumann Symposium within Europerio9 2018 Professor Polido, world-renowned speaker presented a patient-centered decision making process needs to be applied in order to achieve a predictable and successful outcomes while treating such patients. The purpose of the presentation “Immediate full arch restoration using the Straumann® Pro Arch treatment approach“ is to discuss treatment planning, surgical concepts and techniques associated with immediate restoration of complete arch fixed rehabilitation.
From this presentation you will learn:
- Clinical factors that may influence the treatment planning in immediate rehabilitation of a complete arch with a fixed restoration, such as required vertical space, horizontal relationship between the arches, lip support and soft tissue condition;
- Details regarding the digital workflow for edentulous patients, from CBCT analysis to template design for guided surgery;
- Surgical aspects related to the fixed rehabilitation of a completely edentulous patient, including bone analysis, number and distribution of implants and technical tips to obtain adequate primary stability.
- Importance of patient centered treatment approach for fully edentulous patients