Straumann® has developed product systems for ImmediaXy™ for seamless digital workflows, which can be utilized in an interdisciplinary way. Indications include fixed and removable tooth- and implant-retained prosthetics, augmentation, digital orthodontics and more. This makes them fit for today’s workflows – and for the future. ImmediaXy by Straumann® facilitates clinical concepts to serve today’s patient demands – making it more than a solution for immediate implantology workflows on a new level.

“The share of immediacy has grown over the years because it is so attractive to patients. For example, when a front tooth is lost the quick esthetic restoration has priority.“
Steven Chen, BDS, MDSc, PhD, University of Melbourne (Australia)

Immediacy makes the world go round: Testimonials
What do international experts in implantology say about efficient and patient-friendly digital protocols?

Digital diagnostics for efficient workflows
All starts with the doctor-patient consultation, anamnesis, and thorough clinical examination.
Screenshot by Dr Kay Vietor, Germany
3D planning – based on smart data sets
Immediate concepts shorten overall treatment time, reduce the number of sessions, and have the potential to preserve tissues.
"For precision, the first and most important part is digital planning."
DDS, SmileClinic Chmielewski & Karczewska, Gdańsk (Poland)

Implants – tailor-made for immediacy
The Straumann® BLX and TLX Implant Systems are optimized for primary stability – and streamlined with digital restorative options.
Click here for the complete case presentation by Dr. Piano on Youtooth

CAD/CAM implant-retained restorations
Immediacy by Straumann® provides end-to-end restorative solutions designed for efficient and predictable results.
Click here for the complete case presentation by Dr. Polido on Youtooth

Clinical Cases
See how experts from all over the world managed their immediate patient cases covering various indications.
Picture from a case presentation by Dr. Makarov on Youtooth

How to become an expert
ImmediaXy™ by Straumann® is built on a strong basis of scientific studies and educational material.
ImmediaXy™ at a glance
Immediacy by Straumann® (tradename: ImmediaXy™) has many fascinating aspects, from efficiency to science and clinical cases.

Digital Knowledge Portal
Welcome to the Digital Knowledge Portal where you will find the latest information on products and services as well as training videos, manuals, and other educational material.

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