To preserve precious tissues and meet patient expectations implants should be placed within the first four months after tooth extraction. According to the latest ITI consensus paper, this is “due to the risk of alveolar resorption and reduction in bone volume, as well as the extended treatment time” for Type 4 placement (6 months or later)1, 3. Alternatively, a post-extraction (Type 1) or early (Type 2 or 3) implant insertion is preferable. Decisions will depend on diagnostic findings, e.g. as proposed in the SAC classification by the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and on the clinical expertise of the team4-6.
According to recent conference presentations, immediate placement can be indicated in sockets with more than 50% intact walls and thick biotypes. Risk factors include a non-optimal implant diameter or situations where primary stability requires a prosthetically non-optimal implant position (Dr Frank Schwarz, Germany, presentation at the Europerio 2022). According to Dr Ronald Jung (Switzerland) dedicated tissue level implants (Straumann® TLX, details see below) are optimized for immediate protocols in posterior areas.
Moreover, clinicians should be aware that physiological soft tissue thickening after extractions may mask an extended bone defect in patients with thin soft tissue types7. Therefore soft tissue or GBR augmentations are often indicated in connection with immediate or early implant placement4. For these indications different xenogeneic (e.g. Straumann® Xeno Graft) or allogenic grafting materials are available, which can be complemented by, e.g., the flexible Jason® collagen membrane.