Površine Straumann® Dental Implant System 

Redefiniranje granica mogućeg.

Od referentne točke u industriji, SLA®, do površine implantata visokih performansi SLActive®, Straumann stalno podiže letvicu kako bi postavio nove standarde u području osteointegracije. ZLA®, osmišljen za implantat Straumann® PURE Ceramic, nastavlja ovu tradiciju.

Prikaz dobiven pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom na mreži fibrina, uz dopuštenje Empe, 2016.

Straumann® SLActive®

Učinak van svih očekivanja.

SLActive® je Straumannova površina visokih performansi s velikim potencijalom cijeljenja. Označava visoku predvidljivost i ubrzanu osteointegraciju1-8. Nedavna ispitivanja pokazuju izvanrednu kliničku učinkovitost implantata SLActive® čak i u vrlo zahtjevnim planovima liječenja i kod pacijenata s ugroženim zdravljem.9-11

Tražite dodatne informacije? Pronaći ćete ih u Centru za preuzimanje.


Stopa uspješnosti implantata u imedijatnoj implantaciji nakon 10 godina: 98,2 %.9


Skraćeno razdoblje cijeljenja sa 6 – 8 tjedana na 3 – 4 tjedna u svim indikacijama.*


Pojačana regeneracija kosti čak i na kompromitiranim mjestima.12


Stopa uspješnosti implantata u ozračenih pacijenata s kompromitiranom kosti nakon 5 godina: 100 %.10,11

* u usporedbi s površinom SLA®. Indikacije: od jednog zuba do nedostatka svih zuba.

Prikaz dobiven pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom na mreži fibrina, uz dopuštenje Empe, 2016.

Straumann® SLA®

Dugovječnost i učinkovitost u svakodnevnoj praksi.

Klasična površina SLA®, predstavljena 1998. godine, temelji se na tehnici pjeskarenja velikim granulama koja stvara makrohrapavost na površini od titana. Nakon toga slijedi jetkanje kiselinom koje povećava mikrohrapavost. Rezultirajuća topografija nudi idealnu strukturu za pričvršćivanje stanica. Mnoga recenzirana klinička i pretklinička ispitivanja potvrdila su njezinu snažnu dugoročnu učinkovitost i pouzdanost, što je čini jednom od najbolje dokumentiranih površina u dentalnoj implantologiji. Prema neovisnoj studiji, omjer vjerojatnosti nastajanja upale oko implantata bio je više od tri puta veći u pacijenata liječenih konkurentskim implantatima u usporedbi s implantatima Straumann® s površinama SLA®.13

Tražite dodatne informacije? Pronaći ćete ih u Centru za preuzimanje.

Stope uspješnosti

Visoke i dosljedne stope uspješnosti između 95,1 % i 98,8 % dokumentirane različitim ispitivanjima nakon 5 i 10 godina praćenja.14-20

Očuvanje kosti

Prosječni gubitak kosti od 0,5 do 1 mm nakon 10 godina (osnovna vrijednost definirana kao vrijeme postavljanja implantata).15,16

Niska prevalencija upale oko implantata

Vrlo niska prevalencija upale oko implantata (1,8 %) tijekom 10-godišnjeg razdoblja praćenja.15

Straumann® ZLA®

Površina s revolucionarnim značajkama osteointegracije.

Straumann® ZLA® je površina za implantološki sustav Straumann® PURE Ceramic i ima revolucionarna svojstva osteointegracije koja su ekvivalentna dobro utvrđenoj originalnoj površini Straumann® SLA®.


Slična u makro- i mikrohrapavosti kao SLA®.


Vrijeme cijeljenja usporedivo s površinom SLA®.21-23


Manje naslage plaka – važan čimbenik za dugoročni uspjeh implantata23.

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SLActive® 1 Straumann SLActive implants compared to Straumann SLA implants. Lang NP, Salvi GE, Huynh-Ba G, Ivanovski S, Donos N, Bosshardt DD. Early osseointegration to hydrophilic and hydrophobic implant surfaces in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Apr;22(4):349-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02172.x. 2 Rupp F, Scheideler L, Olshanska N, de Wild M, Wieland M, Geis-Gerstorfer J. Enhancing surface free energy and hydrophilicity through chemical modification of microstructured titanium implant surfaces. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 76(2):323-334, 2006. 3 De Wild M. Superhydrophilic SLActive® implants. Straumann document 151.52, 2005; Katharina Maniura. Laboratory for Materials – Biology Interactions Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland, Protein and blood adsorption on Ti and TiZr implants as a model for osseointegration. EAO 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting, October 17 – 19 2013, Dublin. Kopf BS, Schipanski A, Rottmar M, Berner S, Maniura-Weber K, Enhanced differentiation of human osteoblasts on Ti surfaces pre-treated with human whole blood. Acta Biomaterialia. 2015 June; 19: 180–190. Kopf BS, Ruch S, Berner S, Spencer ND, Maniura-Weber K, The role of nanostructures and hydrophilicity in osseointegration: In-vitro protein-adsorption and blood-interaction studies. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 August; 103 (8): 2661-2672. 4 Schwarz, F., et al., Bone regeneration in dehiscence-type defects at non-submerged and submerged chemically modified (SLActive®) and conventional SLA® titanium implants: an immunohistochemical study in dogs. J Clin. Periodontol. 35.1 (2008): 64–75. 5 Rausch-fan X, Qu Z, Wieland M, Matejka M, Schedle A. Differentiation and cytokine synthesis of human alveolar osteoblasts compared to osteoblast-like cells (MG63) in response to titanium surfaces. Dental Materials 2008 Jan;24(1):102-10. Epub 2007 Apr 27. 6 Schwarz F, Herten M, Sager M, Wieland M, Dard M, Becker J. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of initial and early osseous integration at chemically modified and conventional SLA® titanium implants: Preliminary results of a pilot study in dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 11(4): 481-488, 2007. 7 Raghavendra S, Wood MC, Taylor TD. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 2005 May–Jun;20(3):425–31. 9. 8 Oates TW, Valderrama P, Bischof M, Nedir R, Jones A, Simpson J, Toutenburg H, Cochran DL. Enhanced implant stability with a chemically modified SLA® surface: a randomized pilot study. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 2007;22(5):755–760. 9 Nicolau P, Guerra F, Reis R, Krafft T, Benz K , Jackowski J 10-year results from a randomized controlled multicenter study with immediately and early loaded SLActive implants in posterior jaws. Presented at 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association of Osseointegration – 29 Sep – 1 Oct 2016, Paris. 10 Nelson, K., Stricker, A., Raguse, J.-D. and Nahles, S. (2016), Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with chemically modified and conventional SLA implants: a clinical clarification. J Oral Rehabil, 43: 871–872. doi:10.1111/joor.12434. 11 Patients treated with dental implants after surgery and radio-chemotherapy of oral cancer. Heberer S, Kilic S, Hossamo J, Raguse J-D, Nelson K. Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with modified and conventional sandblasted, acid-etched implants: preliminary results of a split-mouth study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 546–551. 12 Straumann (2016). SLActive® supports enhanced bone formation in a minipig surgical GBR model with coronal circumferential defects. Unpublished data. 

SLA® 13 Buser D, Janner SF, Wittneben JG, Bragger U, Ramseier CA, Salvi GE. 10-year survival and success rates of 511 titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface: a retrospective study in 303 partially edentulous patients. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2012 Dec;14(6):839-51. 14 Fischer K, Stenberg T.: Prospective 10-year cohort study based on a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on implant-supported full-arch maxillary prostheses. Part 1: sandblasted and acid-etched implants and mucosal tissue. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2012 Dec;14(6):808-15. 15 van Velzen FJ, Ofec R, Schulten EA, Ten Bruggenkate CM,.10-year survival rate and the incidence of peri-implant disease of 374 titanium dental implants with a SLA surface: a prospective cohort study in 177 fully and partially edentulous patients. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015 Oct;26(10):1121-8. 16 Cochran DL, Jackson JM, Bernard JP, ten Bruggenkate CM, Buser D, Taylor TD, Weingart D, Schoolfield JD, Jones AA, Oates TW Jr. A 5-year prospective multicenter study of early loaded titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011 Nov-Dec;26(6):1324-32. 17 Cochran D, Oates T, Morton D, Jones A, Buser D, Peters F. Clinical field trial examining an implant with a sand-blasted, acid-etched surface. J Periodontol. 2007 Jun;78(6):974-82. 18 Bornstein MM, Schmid B, Belser UC, Lussi A, Buser D. Early loading of non-submerged titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface. 5-year results of a prospective study in partially edentulous patients. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2005 Dec;16(6):631-8. 19 Roccuzzo M1, Aglietta M, Bunino M, Bonino L. Early loading of sandblasted and acid-etched implants: a randomized-controlled double-blind split-mouth study. Five-year results. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2008 Feb;19(2):148-52. 20 Derks J, Schaller D, Håkansson J, Wennström JL, Tomasi C, Berglundh T. Effectiveness of Implant Therapy Analyzed in a Swedish Population: Prevalence of Peri-implantitis. J Dent Res. 2016 Jan;95(1):43-9. doi

ZLA® 21 Bormann KH, Gellrich NC, Kniha H, Dard M, Wieland M, Gahlert M. Biomechanical evaluation of a microstructured zirconia implant by a removal torque comparison with a standard Ti-SLA implant. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Oct;23(10):1210-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02291.x. Epub 2011 Nov 14. 22 Gahlert M, Roehling S, Sprecher CM, Kniha H, Milz S, Bormann K. In vivo performance of zirconia and titanium implants: a histomorphometric study in mini pig maxillae. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Mar;23(3):281-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02157.x. Epub 2011 Aug 2. 23 Gahlert M1, Röhling S, Wieland M, Eichhorn S, Küchenhoff H, Kniha H A comparison study of the osseointegration of zirconia and titanium dental implants. A biomechanical evaluation in the maxilla of pigs. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2010 Dec;12(4):297-305. doi: 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2009.00168.x.

ZLA® 23 Roehling S, Astasov-Frauenhoffer M, Hauser-Gerspach, Braissant O, Woelfler H, et a., In Vitro Biofilm Formation On Titanium And Zirconia Implant Surfaces, J Periodontol. 2016 Oct 7:1-16. [Epub ahead of print] DOI: 10.1902/jop.2016.160245