Share information

Share price

Please note that Straumann Group performed a 1:10 share split on April 20, 2022 (see also media release after AGM approval).

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Key data per share

  20231 20221 2021 2020 2019
Number of registered shares on 31 Dec 159'455'239 159'455'239 15'921'369 15'906'824 15'878'984
Share price at year end 135.60 105.60 1'937.00 1'031.50 950.40
Market capitalization 31 Dec (in CHF m) 21'622 16'838 30'840 16'408 15'091
Earnings per share / EPS (in CHF)2 2.761 3.031 28.45 16.20 21.21
Price/earnings ratio 49 35 68 64 45
Oridinary dividend per share (in CHF) 0.853 0.80 6.75 5.75 5.75
Payout ratio (% of EPS)1,2 31% 26% 24% 36% 27%
Dividend yield 0.6% 0.8% 0.4% 0.6% 0.6%

1 Following share split 1:10 in 2022
2 Based on core results
3 Payable in April 2024 subject to shareholder approval


Listings and ticker symbols

Straumann Holding AG (STMN) became a public traded company in 1998. The shares are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich. The most common ticker symbol is STMN.

Other symbols include:

  • Bloomberg: STMN SW
  • Reuters: STMN.S
  • Telekurs (Investdata): STMN
  • LEI: 50670046ML5FVIM60Z37
  • Valor number: 117 544 866 (valid from 20.04.2022; till 19.04.2022: 1228 007)
  • ISIN: CH 1175 448 666 (valid from 20.04.2022; till 19.04.2022: CH 0012 280 076)

Since going public, Straumann has split its shares in 2001 (ratio 1:20) and 2022 (ratio 1:10). The company has not issued any participation certificates or profit sharing certificates since its IPO in 1998.

Dividend information

Straumann pursues a sustainable dividend policy and the Board of Directors intends to increase the dividend per share subject to further good performance.

  20231 20221 2021 2020 2019
Earnings per share (in CHF)2 2.76 3.03 28.45 16.2 21.21
Dividend per share (in CHF) 0.853 0.8 6.75 5.75 5.75
Payout ratio (% of EPS)1,2 31% 26% 24%1 36%1 27%1
Dividend yield5 0.6% 0.8% 0.4% 0.6% 0.6%

1 Following share split 1:10 in 2022
2 Based on core results
3 Payable in April 2024 subject to shareholder approval

Share capital

in CHF 1000  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 31 Dec 2021
Equity 1'838'606 1'853'845 1'500'448
Ordinary share capital (fully paid in) 1'595 1'595 1'592
Conditional share capital 22 22 24
Number of registered shares 159'455'2391 159'455'2391 15'921'369
Nominal value per share (in CHF) 0.01 0.01 0.10
Registration restrictions None None None
Voting restrictions None None None
Opting-out/up None None None

1 Following share split 1:10 in 2022


Major shareholders

(in %) 31 Dec 20231 31 Dec 20221
Dr h.c. Thomas Straumann 15.7 16.3
Dr h.c. Rudolf Maag 10.2 10.3
BlackRock Inc. (Group)2
7.2 7.3
Simone Maag de Moura Cunha
3.5 3.5
Gabriella Straumann
3.0 3.0
TOTAL  39.6 40.3

1 Or at last reported date if shareholdings are not registered in the share register
2 Not or only partially registered in the share register

1 Non-registered shareholders are not considered in this table