Beyond a common Ti-base. Efficiency and flexibility in one.
Variobase® is Straumann’s efficient yet flexible Ti-Base concept offering an unequaled range of restorative options. Whether for single tooth or fully edentulous indications, benefit from efficient cement and screw-retained solutions for both straightforward as well as more demanding esthetic cases.
Key indications |
Single-unit | Multi-unit | Edentulous |
Fixation |
Cement-retained | Screw-retained |
Material |
Workflow |
Traditional | Digital |
Implant systems |
BL | BLT (+SDI) | BLX | TL | TLX | BLC | TLC |
Prosthetic connections |
SC, NC, RC | RB/WB, WB | NNC | RN, WN , ND/RD |
Choose from an unequalled range of indications and materials.
Use your preferred workflow for design and production.
Rely on high quality design and the use of original Straumann components.

Straumann® Variobase® for Crown
- Maximum design flexibility
- Strong retention of the restoration
- Satisfy more demanding esthetic needs

Straumann® Variobase® for Crown AS (Angled Solution)
- Uncompromised esthetics
- Easy access and improved functionality
- Reliable option for screw-retained restorations

Straumann® Variobase® C
- Fully leverage chairside implant-borne workflow
- Trusted abutment design
- Original Straumann® implant-abutment interface

Straumann® Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical
- Maximum design flexibility
- Easy cementation procedure with Cementation Aid
- Strong retention of the restoration
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