Anthogyr Campus
Sviluppa le tue competenze in ambito chirurgico e protesico con il Campus di Anthogyr organizzato nella valle del Monte Bianco, vicino a Chamonix.
To provide you the best support, we offer you now a program of free webinars you can find in replay 24/7!
Over 1 000 people attended to follow our live webinars! A big thank you to you for your presence and your support.
IDS Anthogyr 2023
Discover the Axiom X3® dental implant solution, a holistic response adapted to clinical diversity, while respecting and preserving
the most precious environment: bone.
With the participation of Fabian Hirsch and Dr Andreas Benecke.
Symposium Digital Anthogyr 2020
Le traitement de l’édenté total maxillaire, quelles sont les solutions ?
Avec la participation du Dr Jean-Baptiste VERDINO, président de séance.
- Practices limited exercise in implantology, bone reconstruction, surgery of the soft tissues
- Training in Advanced Implant Surgery at Carl Misch Institute, Pittsburgh, USA
- University Diploma of Oral Implantology Fundamental and Practical Lille II
- University Diploma of bone tissue and biomaterials of the Faculty of Medicine of Angers
- University diploma of evaluation of the corporal damage applied to Odontology.
Dr Jonatan BELEY
- Docteur en chirurgie dentaire
- Attestation Universitaire d'Implantologie, Université Paris VII
- D.U. Dentisterie Esthétique
- D.U. Implantologie Chirurgicale et Prothètique
Dr Dominique DUPONT
- Chirurgien dentiste diplômé de la Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire de Metz
- D.U. Implantologie de la Faculté de Médecine de Lille
- D.U. Odontologie Légale de la Faculté Chirurgie Dentaire de Montpellier
- D.U. Evaluation du Dommage Corporel de la Faculté Chirurgie Dentaire de Montpellier
- Docteur en chirurgie dentaire
- Activité privée à Lyon (69)
- D.U. Sédation app. soins dentaires
- C.E.S. de Parodontologie
- C.E.S. Biomatériaux dentaires
- Ancien Attaché des Hôpitaux de Paris
- Ancien Attaché des Hôpitaux de Lyon
Dr Egon EUWE
- 1982: degree at the Univertsity of Utrecht (Holland)
- Since 1986 his main interests in the dental field have been periodontics and oral implantology.
- He followed post-graduate courses at the UCLA.
- Active member of European Association for Osseointegration (EAO)
- Laureato in odontoiatria e P.D presso l'università di Padova
- Relatore in Congressi nazionali ed internazionali
- Autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche presenti sulle più prestigiose riviste internazionali del settore.
- Socio ordinario della SldP, si dedica esclusivamente alle discipline di parodontologia, Implantologia e Protesi
Dr Diego LOPS
- Doctor in Dentistry
- Teacher and Tutor in Implantology, Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Prostohodontics and Implant Dentistry
- Post-graduate on "Advanced oral surgery and maxillary reconstructive technics" at University of Paris
- SIO Active Member (Italian Society of Osseointegration)
- Maître de Conférences des Universités
- Docteur ès Sciences Odontologiques
- Exercice privé Paro-Implanto Marseille
- Centre de formation
- Graduate in Dental Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine (Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB)
- Specialization in Implantology, Assistant in surgery with Prof. Chantal Malevez (ULB)
- Member of the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD)
- Founder of Cris Piessens Clinic (Albufeira) and Algarve Dental Implants Education
Dr Jean-Baptiste VERDINO
- Graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry of Marseille
- C.E.S in Biomaterials and Fixed Prostheses
- DEA in Surgical Sciences
- Teaching at the New York University School of Dentistry
- Exercice libéral exclusif en implanto et paro à Cadaujac (33)
- Ancien interne des hôpitaux
- Chargé d'enseignement en chirurgie parodontale à la faculté de Bordeaux
- Chargé de TP en implantologie et en parodontologie à la faculté de Bordeaux