Anthogyr Campus

Develop your surgical and prosthetic skills with Anthogyr Campus located in the Mont-Blanc Valley, close to Chamonix.

To provide you the best support, we offer you now a program of free webinars you can find in replay 24/7!

Over 1 000 people attended to follow our live webinars! A big thank you to you for your presence and your support.

IDS Anthogyr 2023
Discover the Axiom X3® dental implant solution, a holistic response adapted to clinical diversity, while respecting and preserving
the most precious environment: bone.
With the participation of Dr Fabian Hirsch and Dr Andreas Benecke.
Webinar Simeda Additive
Liberté de conception sans compromis sur la résistance
Avec la participation de M. Frédéric CHARON et M. Émile ENCINAR.

Symposium Digital Anthogyr 2020
Le traitement de l’édenté total maxillaire, quelles sont les solutions ?
Avec la participation du Dr Jean-Baptiste VERDINO, président de séance.

- Practices limited exercise in implantology, bone reconstruction, surgery of the soft tissues
- Training in Advanced Implant Surgery at Carl Misch Institute, Pittsburgh, USA
- University Diploma of Oral Implantology Fundamental and Practical Lille II
- University Diploma of bone tissue and biomaterials of the Faculty of Medicine of Angers
- University diploma of evaluation of the corporal damage applied to Odontology.

Dr Jonatan BELEY
- Docteur en chirurgie dentaire
- Attestation Universitaire d'Implantologie, Université Paris VII
- D.U. Dentisterie Esthétique
- D.U. Implantologie Chirurgicale et Prothètique
Dr Dominique DUPONT
- Chirurgien dentiste diplômé de la Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire de Metz
- D.U. Implantologie de la Faculté de Médecine de Lille
- D.U. Odontologie Légale de la Faculté Chirurgie Dentaire de Montpellier
- D.U. Evaluation du Dommage Corporel de la Faculté Chirurgie Dentaire de Montpellier

- Docteur en chirurgie dentaire
- Activité privée à Lyon (69)
- D.U. Sédation app. soins dentaires
- C.E.S. de Parodontologie
- C.E.S. Biomatériaux dentaires
- Ancien Attaché des Hôpitaux de Paris
- Ancien Attaché des Hôpitaux de Lyon

Dr Egon EUWE
- 1982: degree at the Univertsity of Utrecht (Holland)
- Since 1986 his main interests in the dental field have been periodontics and oral implantology.
- He followed post-graduate courses at the UCLA.
- Active member of European Association for Osseointegration (EAO)

- Laureato in odontoiatria e P.D presso l'università di Padova
- Relatore in Congressi nazionali ed internazionali
- Autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche presenti sulle più prestigiose riviste internazionali del settore.
- Socio ordinario della SldP, si dedica esclusivamente alle discipline di parodontologia, Implantologia e Protesi

Dr Diego LOPS
- Doctor in Dentistry
- Teacher and Tutor in Implantology, Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Prostohodontics and Implant Dentistry
- Post-graduate on "Advanced oral surgery and maxillary reconstructive technics" at University of Paris
- SIO Active Member (Italian Society of Osseointegration)

- Maître de Conférences des Universités
- Docteur ès Sciences Odontologiques
- Exercice privé Paro-Implanto Marseille
- Centre de formation

- Graduate in Dental Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine (Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB)
- Specialization in Implantology, Assistant in surgery with Prof. Chantal Malevez (ULB)
- Member of the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD)
- Founder of Cris Piessens Clinic (Albufeira) and Algarve Dental Implants Education

Dr Jean-Baptiste VERDINO
- Graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry of Marseille
- C.E.S in Biomaterials and Fixed Prostheses
- DEA in Surgical Sciences
- Teaching at the New York University School of Dentistry

- Exercice libéral exclusif en implanto et paro à Cadaujac (33)
- Ancien interne des hôpitaux
- Chargé d'enseignement en chirurgie parodontale à la faculté de Bordeaux
- Chargé de TP en implantologie et en parodontologie à la faculté de Bordeaux