2.1 Implant surgery

Implant surgery is similar to many other oral surgical procedures. It starts with appropriate preparation for the surgery. Like in other oral sur­gical interventions, working under sterile conditions is mandatory. Im­plant placement normally requires raising a soft tissue flap, preparing the implant beds by drilling the alveolar bone, placement of the im­plants and healing components, fol­lowed by adequate closure of the wound.

Learning objectives

Know how to prepare the patient for surgery by providing appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis, premedication, antiseptic mouthwash and adequate local anesthesia at the surgical sites.

Be familiar with drilling procedures and their general considerations.

Know how to assess bone quality, perform an appropriate incision to raise a full-thickness flap and expose the bone.

Be able to place the implants in the correct three-dimensional position.

Know what complications can occur intra- and/or post-operatively and how to handle such situations.

Know how to inform the patient about post-operative care, medication and oral hygiene measures.
