Esthetic dentistry
Entering orthodontics with ClearCorrect and Geniova
In August, we announced the acquisition of ClearCorrect, an established brand of affordable clear aligners, which are an increasingly popular form of orthodontic treatment because they are effective, discreet, and easy to remove – in contrast to conventional brackets, which are hard-wired to individual teeth.
The global clear-aligner market is growing strongly. Penetration is low and the growth opportunities are very attractive, not least because an estimated 75% of teenagers and adults have misaligned teeth that require treatment – which is available through an increasing number of general dentists. Furthermore, implant procedures are often combined with orthodontic treatments, and both share digital dentistry applications.
Our union with ClearCorrect and our investment in Geniova, which supplies innovative fast aligners, enable us to capture the exciting opportunities that this market offers.

ClearCorrect’s discreet removable clear aligner.