The CEO and, under his direction, the other EMB members are responsible for the Group’s overall business and day-to-day management. The EMB is also responsible for the implementation of strategic decisions and stakeholder management. The CEO reports to the Board regularly and whenever extraordinary circumstances so require. Each member of the EMB is appointed and discharged by the Board of Directors.
The EMB comprises 13 members under the leadership of, and including, the CEO, Guillaume Daniellot.
Permitted mandates outside Straumann Group
(pursuant to art. 626 II CO)
Art. 4.4 of Straumann’s Articles of Association states that no member of the EMB may perform more than five mandates in comparable functions in other companies with economic purpose, of which no more than one may be in listed companies. The number of permitted mandates outside Straumann in listed companies for the EMB was reduced by the AGM 2023 from two to one. This ensures that the members of the EMB have sufficient time available to perform their duties for the Group.
The following are exempt from these restrictions:
- Mandates in enterprises that control the Group or are controlled by the same
- Mandates in enterprises that are performed at the instruction of the Group
- Mandates in associations, organizations, foundations, trusts and employee pension funds; no member of the Executive Management may perform more than three such mandates
Mandates in several legal entities under common control or under the same economic authority are deemed as one mandate
Management contracts
The Board of Directors and the EMB have not delegated any managerial powers to persons or companies outside the Group.
Changes of control and defense measures
The Articles of Association of Straumann Holding AG do not contain provisions for opting out or opting up. There are no change-of-control clauses included in agreements and schemes benefiting members of the Board of Directors or the Executive Management Board or other management staff.