Executive Management Board

Robert Woolley

US Citizen (born 1976)
Head Sales Western Europe

Career highlights:
Robert Woolley joined Straumann in fall 2019 and took over as Head Sales North America. He moved to his current position as Head Sales Western Europe at the beginning of 2021. Before joining Straumann, he headed the ENT business unit of Stryker, a leading medical technology company, which he joined in 2014 as Managing Director and General Manager of the Neurovascular business in EMEA. Between 2010 and 2014 he headed the European business unit of TriVascular, a medical technology company special¬izing in vascular repair devices. Prior to this, he spent two years as Director of Business Develop¬ment at Dow Healthcare and three years in managerial positions at Medtronic in M&A integra¬tion, marketing and sales. He began his career in 2000 at Dow Chemical in Technical Sales & Account Management.

BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University, MBA from Harvard Business School.